Worries and tasks of the PR leader

Worries and tasks of the PR leader

The Public Relations profession is at a crossroads. Digitization has blurred the boundaries that determined the jurisdiction of the communication manager of an organization. We are a bit misplaced on a new scenario in which all the players claim and often use their communication skills. It is necessary to re-delineate the perimeter of the function and demonstrate the value that communication brings precisely in the age of communication.

Proof of the confusion that threatens the relevance of communication are the results of the research "The evolving communication function" by the Institute for Public Relations (IPR). Three of the nine conclusions that the executive report reveals place us in this worrying scenario:

  • Less than half of those responsible for communication are satisfied with the structure of their role.
  • Almost half (46%) believe that they will need more resources to meet the growing communication needs of their organizations in the near future.
  • Communication is often allocated with marketing, followed by public affairs and advertising.

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The risk of losing positions is obvious. Added to the lack of definition of the function is an invasion of competence from the marketing areas due to the expansion of digital tools and territories. When communication is linked to marketing, this second tends to dominate due to its greater proximity to the business, its higher budget and its greater ability to demonstrate its contribution through indicators.

The other six conclusions place us in this same risk zone:

  • The number of responsibilities in the function continues to grow, but the workforce will remain stable for the next two years.
  • Leaders of communication departments expect changes in resources and technology and believe that the challenges of the function will be greater in the future.
  • Only one-third of dircoms report to the CEO or president.
  • Most communicators say that the CEO values the role. To the extent that the sample in this study is made up of communication managers, I suspect that this response is conditioned by the fact that it would be painful to recognize that the CEO does not value you. It is also somewhat contradictory to the previous answer: two-thirds of those surveyed do not report to the chief executive.
  • The most frequently mentioned occupations are media relations, social media, and crisis communication. More of the same.
  • Communicators say they have closer relationships with other departments than other functions.

These second conclusions place us in a scenario with greater challenges and the same financial and human resources. It is not a good sign. The relevance of a function is basically measured by two indicators: its position in the organization chart and the financial resources it manages.

These concerns should lead us to redefine the function, occupy the territory, stop the invasion from the marketing areas and finally convince the CEO that communication is also among her/his responsibilities.

Silvia Albert Bernal

Fundadora y CEO de Agencia Comma


It seems as if time has frozen. We don't get out of our own entanglement. Always begging for recognition. Although I'm afraid the marketing people don't have it very clear either... https://comunicacionmarketing.es/marketing/23/08/2021/menos-de-un-tercio-de-los-ceos-estadounidenses-confia-en-sus-directores-de-marketing/22515.html Until communication enters into senior management programmes, we will have a shadow road ahead of us

Juan Pajares

Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Senior Director


Very scary indeed, but if we follow the advices you flag on the last paragraph, there is still a great chance to regain influence and consideration from the top management. Evangelization, and help from our industry organizations such as Dircom, Asociación de Directivos de Comunicación, International Public Relations Network (IPRN) and ADECEC (Asociación de Empresas Consultoras en Relaciones Públicas y Comunicación) are a must.

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