Would you want to know if your pastor is a pedophile?
I was bombarded because I said I would want to know... I seriously questioned the folks who felt I shouldn't have that information.
The problem with the church today is that they just want to sweep everything under the rug and say it's ok while leaving victims lying helpless all along the path, damaged goods. And some of them will carry the burden for life by the trauma they've experienced. But it's a slap in the face to hear folks in the church say .. go and pray about it... Let it go and let God... Some things you have to put in some WORKS.
People need to be held accountable for destroying other people, especially if it involves children's lives. This is why many are leaving the church, and the youth look at those in church as hypocrites, and they're running away from God instead of running towards him.
There are victims... We need to stop the holier-than-thou madness, to forgive the abuser because they are a pastor but not show any remorse for the victim. That's warped, stinky thinking.
Yes, we all fall short of the glory... but you must also be held accountable. The reality is that many children are using drugs/alcohol, running away from home, confused about their sexual orientation, committing suicide, or growing up to be adults destroying other folks' lives due to what someone of the Cloth has done to them...
God is NO respecter of persons, including heads of the church. It's not judging. It's saying ... Hey, this crap has to stop... Stop giving a pass to lousy behavior and to the destroyers of lives.
It's evident why Jesus didn't want to be within those four walls.