WWN by Anggie Salazar Ep15: Ivonne Kinser

WWN by Anggie Salazar Ep15: Ivonne Kinser

Hi Networkers! I'm Anggie, VP of Sales & Marketing at CROING l Creative Agency founded by Alejandra Salazar, and welcome to my newsletter, Women Who Network: Stories of Connection and Success.

Since many of you asked for one more episode, I bring you an incredible LIVE interview from Brandweek with a special guest: Ivonne Kinser , CMO of Hoplark Brands and book author.

Why did we start this newsletter?

As I always say, networking has played a key role in my career, and I have found through many conversations that it is an area where many women still don't feel confident or need a little push to explore further.

At CROING, we are motivated to inspire and empower professional women to feel more confident in networking. We believe that by sharing stories and experiences, we can encourage more women to connect and grow together.

I’m confident that Ivonne’s story will motivate many women to embrace networking with more confidence. 💜

The Evolution of Networking: From Connection to Collaboration

Anggie: So, we're here at Brandweek with another amazing person: Ivonne. Thank you so much for joining us and for being part of this initiative. Let's dive right into your story and tell us a bit about how your approach to networking has evolved throughout your career.

Ivonne: That's an interesting question because I have never thought about networking in the literal way, like maybe most people think about networking. I choose value, human connections. I'm a connector myself. I like to help people. If I see one person that can bring value to another person and I know both, I love to connect them; I feel satisfaction in it. And we're talking about, like me personally, networking. Like I said, I don’t pursue networking as some people pursue it.

I approach it with curiosity.

I just love to learn about people and I love to learn about their stories—what makes them think in their marketing world, in their jobs, in what they do, how they think about marketing, what they are doing in their brands. I just love to absorb and exchange information and ideas. And, you know, that itself brings me a lot of satisfaction. Those relationships, most of them typically stay, and I don't know—sometimes in like three years, five years, 10 years—you never know something. There's an opportunity for a collaboration or anything else, but I don't expect that. That just happens when you cultivate relationships with other human beings.

Anggie: Funny story, I met Ivonne because of a connection I made here with Kristal. Kristal is from the brand Avocado from Mexico. And I was talking to her about this initiative, and she told me, “You need to meet Ivonne. She's the best—so creative.” Then I found Ivonne through talking to many people, and I saw her badge and I said, "Ivonne Kinser!" And I was like, "You're Ivonne, that’s so cool!" And then we started talking, and it was really great. So that's a networking story that we experienced here, and thanks to that, we’re talking to Ivonne today.

Authenticity: The Best Networking Strategy

Anggie: So, since we are now at a networking event, what strategies do you use to establish genuine and meaningful connections at networking events like Brandweek?

Ivonne: I'll say I don’t have a strategy. My strategy is to just be myself and authentic. And I think that's—if you want to call it a strategy—the best of all strategies is just to listen more than you talk. Listen with an open mind, connect with curiosity, connect with the desire to bring value to the person that you're meeting. I think authenticity always wins, basically. So, like again, if we want to call it a strategy, that’s my very simple and easy-to-do approach—just go out with your authentic self.

Anggie: I think that's pretty cool. And I remember when we met, we also talked about Venezuela, and your brother being in a band I admired so much growing up. Conversations like that are key because we weren’t talking about work or what we do, but about our likes, dislikes, and journeys. So I think it's pretty cool that you have that in mind.

Stories of Connection and Success: Ivonne Kinser

Anggie: Ivonne, can you share what's the most unexpected opportunity that came from a networking event or connection?

Ivonne: I think that 99% of the time, I never have to look after an opportunity. I’ve built connections throughout my career, so opportunities typically come to me. One particular time I recall, I was presenting a strategy and an idea to a brand. In that presentation, there was one person I didn’t know, but she was there.

I didn’t get that business—I didn’t get the opportunity I was presenting for. But then, a month later or so, this person, who I hadn’t even met personally on a one-on-one basis, contacted me and said, "Hey, I was in that meeting and I wanted to connect with you because of two things. One, because I admire you and I think you’re great. And also, because you presented the best creative idea I have ever seen in my entire life. I have a friend who is the CEO of a brand and is looking for someone like you, so I’m going to introduce you to them."

And she made the introductions—and I got that business.

Anggie: Oh my god, it's so important. Maybe when you were giving that presentation, you were looking at the faces of people and thinking they weren't giving off the vibe you expected. But it's really important to give your best every time, because new opportunities will come along eventually.

Ivonne: No, they actually loved it. Everyone congratulated me, saying it was amazing. But you know, business matchmaking is like personal matchmaking—you can meet wonderful people, but it might not be the perfect fit. Both sides can be great, but there might be a specific skill or element missing that someone else provides. There are many reasons behind these decisions, so I never take them personally. The same way, some brands approach me, offering good money and being great brands, and I sometimes turn them down if I don’t think it’s the right fit.

I loved what they were doing, but it wasn’t a good fit. Especially at this stage in my career, I’m fortunate enough to be selective about the brands and people I work with.

When Networking Doesn’t Go as Planned

Anggie: Wow, love it! Ivonne, Can you share a story of a networking event or connection that didn't go as planned?

Ivonne: You know, I don’t think a networking event has ever gone as planned because I don't plan it. I just show up with an open mind, curiosity, wanting to just to listen to the stories of people and just connecting, having that, that level of connection and then no expectations whatsoever. I was invited to a networking local in my city the other day and, and they asked me before, actually this is the, sometime you they, somebody asked me that, but that was the first time and it kind of caught me off guard, say, what are you expecting from this networking?

And I was like, what do you mean? And then when I explained to me I, I'm, I have no expectations whatsoever. I just wanna go and talk to people and listen to their stories. And anything they can share with me is new knowledge to me. And I, I'm, I'm a knowledge lover, so that's enrich me just meeting people and listening to them.

Anggie: That's amazing. I think that's the first time someone has answered that, so thank you because we're looking for different perspectives here because we're trying to inspire many women and the women of our community have different perspectives, so we want them to feel related to what we're doing here. So that's why it's so cool to have a different answer.

Ivonne’s Brandweek Experience

Anggie: And tell me, how has your Brandweek experience been so far? This is the last day of Brandweek.

Ivonne: Amazing. Really amazing. I mean, the people that I have met every single day at, every single table I have sat at, we're talking about it could be a breakfast table is such an enriching experience from all pillars or, or avenues of marketing, media technology, marketing, technology, publishers, marketers, brands. It's just really amazing. And again, the collection of stories and insights is priceless.

I think that as marketers, I always encourage marketers to come to these conferences, companies to send their people to these conferences because the value that you get in three, four days, you don't get it in your office in years. So it's really an acceleration of acquisition of insights I need allow us marketers to keep fingering the pulse of the industry and the advancements of the industry and the, and the marketing technology.

Anggie: That's so cool. Thank you so much for saying that. And I know that a lot of people here has been expecting innovation, innovative thoughts, creativity, and I think with all the workshops and sessions, I think they've gotten it. So it's definitely a valuable experience.

Empowering Women: Ivonne’s Advice for Networking Newcomers

Anggie: So, just to end our amazing interview, what advice would you give to women who are just starting their professional careers or hesitant to engage in networking?

Ivonne: I'll say don't have expectations. Go into it with an open mind. And the only expectations that you should have is the expectation about yourself. How much are you going to learn from that event? From the people that you're going to know, from the speakers, if they're speakers, from the vendors, if they're vendors, every person you meet in a conference like this is an opportunity to learn. And you are meeting in an environment that is a really, really good incubator for ideas and for the exchange, the ideas.

So this connect as as much as you can get your work done before you come. Do your best to works in the mornings and nights and be present. I think that that's the most important thing. Be present when you're listening to others, you know, speakers or when you are on a one-on-one conversation, that's what's gonna give you the the the greatest value.

Anggie: That's amazing Ivonne!

Thank you so much Ivonne for sharing your insights with us. It's really inspiring to hear how networking has shaped your journey.

At CROING, we echo this sentiment and have developed our Referral Program as a powerful networking and business tool. It’s a great way to connect, collaborate, and grow together.

As I always say: Don’t forget, your network is your net worth.

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories in our next edition of Women Who Network: Stories of Connection and Success every Tuesday and Thursday.

If you want to be part of or propose someone for this space, please email me at anggie@croing.com.

Until next time, keep networking and growing!

This newsletter is proudly powered by CROING.

Ivonne Kinser

CEO/Founder at Vantage Creative, Bridge by Design and 'BrandME’ | Marketing Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient | Best Selling Author ‘THINK’ | Keynote Speaker about Creativity | ADWEEK 2024 CMO Mentor


Thank you for having me Anggie!


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