XG Boost Algorithm
Basically, XGBoost is an algorithm. Also, it has recently been dominating applied machine learning. XGBoost is an implementation of gradient boosted decision trees. Although, it was designed for speed and performance. Basically, it is a type of software library. That you can download and install on your machine. Then have to access it from a variety of interfaces.
Model Features
XGBoost model implementation supports the features of the scikit-learn and R implementations. Three main forms of gradient boosting are supported:
Gradient Boosting
This is also called as gradient boosting machine including the learning rate.
Stochastic Gradient Boosting
This is the boosting with sub-sampling at the row, column, and column per split levels.
Regularized Gradient Boosting
It includes boosting with both L1 and L2 regularization.
Algorithm Features
For efficiency of computing time and memory resources, we use XGBoost algorithm. Also, this was designed to make use of available resources to train the model.
Some key algorithm implementation features include:
Why XGBoosting is good?
a. Flexibility
XGBoosting supports user-defined objective functions with classification, regression and ranking problems. We use an objective function to measure the performance of the model. That is given a certain set of parameters. Furthermore, it supports user-defined evaluation metrics as well.
b. Availability
c. Save and Reload
We can easily save our data matrix and model and reload it later. Let suppose, if we have a large dataset, we can simply save the model. Further, we use it in future instead of wasting time redoing the computation.
Xgboost Algorithm – Parameters
a. General Parameters
Following are the General parameters used in Xgboost Algorithm:
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b. Booster Parameters
Below we discussed tree-specific parameters in Xgboost Algorithm:
c. Linear Booster Specific Parameters
These are Linear Booster Specific Parameters in XGBoost Algorithm.
d. Learning Task Parameters
Following are the Learning Task Parameters in XGBoost Algorithm
As a result, we have studied Introduction to XGBoost. learned XGBoosting features, Why we use XGBoost Algorithms, and Why XGBoosting is good. General Parameters, Booster Parameters, Linear Booster Specific Parameters, Learning Task Parameters.