Year in Review 2023 @ Design Prodigy
Winning MARKies Gold Award for B2B Marketing Effectiveness

Year in Review 2023 @ Design Prodigy

It is almost ritual by now to sign off an end of year with a reflection and read each other's reflection. I think this is useful as it allows for us to make sense of what happened in our respective bubble and grow from our collective experiences before we prepare for the coming year.

Hopefully, we can do more of what worked and do less of what didn't. As well as to plan better with greater certainty.

Benjamin Franklin said "Nothing is certain but death and taxes". Ever since I've started working largely from home, I can attest that laundry and dust should absolutely be part of that list. Work wise, with the experience of 2023, there are aspects of "new normal" that we can rely on to plan for 2024 with greater certainty.

I like to share 3 of my takeaways

1. Increasing Speed of Change

I attended a Christmas party last week and a number guests shared that 2023 went by very fast and they wish for a slower pace in 2024. I'm not sure if Santa Claus can grant that wish but at least there are articles to explain this perception.

Objectively, there are evidences that diffusion of popular technological innovation is indeed getting faster over time.

How Long it Took for Popular Apps to Reach 100 Million Users. Credit: Visual Capitalist

Anecdotally, from what I see on the ground, I see companies who has yet to figure out how to extract ROI from their digitalisation investment and now they have to contend with incorporating Gen AI as part of their Transformation, Acceleration or Optimisation strategy.

Screaming inside

What we did well

Our arrowhead DNA and organismic structure means our team could deal with novel situations relatively well. We have our agents implementing OKR system for their bubble development while running their operations.

We completed our B2B Marketing Method (Finally, Yay!) and cross trained everyone in 2023. That makes it easier for everyone to better make sense, whether to handle and prepare more complex projects or just figuring how to quickly employ new tactics of technology to accelerate desired outcomes as part of overall Marketing Operations set up.

For example, our asset preparation acceleration project with various GPT technologies cut down our ramp up time to prepare and launch omni channel advertising campaigns from 3 days to 3 hours and with better results too!

What can be improved

One thing about setting stretched OKR goals while running operations is that development could often take a back seat. We will try a new system where we implement a 2-2-8 pacing to meet quarterly OKR, i.e. 2 weeks to sense make 2 weeks to design and develop prototype, and the rest of 8 weeks to iterate or act as buffer.

2. Pincer of High Inflation and Slow Growth

Ouch! Have mercy for all startup and SME for we all have a family and a team to support. Unfortunately, despite the clarion call, the white knight will not be coming.

High inflation coupled with slow economic growth are notoriously hard to solve with known fiscal or monetary interventions as solving one usually make the other worse off. So we think this pincer is going to stick around, for whole of 2024 and likely even beyond.

So we can only depend on ourselves to save ourselves.

Tatsumaki from One Punch Man

What we did well

We scenario planned based on prolonged Stagflation back in 2022 and have identified core strategy of increasing our overall Knowledge Worker Productivity instead of increasing headcount. That requires investing 1 to 1 coaching in our respective agent knowledge in B2B marketing method as well as our DP leadership model.

We have also considered building an offshore team to lower our cost, on hindsight I think we did the right thing to hit the brakes to postpone it until we have completed systemising our fulfilment with Gen AI and hyper-automation tools for marketing outcomes that our clients value in this new normal.

What can be improved

Co-investing in knowledge worker productivity takes time and over the years we have seen talent bloom and both the talents and company have enjoyed the rewards. However, with the new normal, we have to exercise more discipline.

Being a nurturing company also meant that sometimes we tend to give more time and resources to talents whom we hope would eventually come good but did not. Clients have told me why we took so long to recognise the misfit when it is already very clear to them early on. Upon reflection, I realise that deep in our heart, we really hope that this is different and if successful, it would be an inspirational turnaround story.

From our experience, a misfit talent in our company learn more about themselves from the stint with us and goes on to have good career elsewhere where there is better fit. Hence, it is only responsible for us to really stick to the rules.


On the other hand, how do we know if a knowledge worker's productivity has really increased? In 2024, we will be trying out a new measurement system coupled with various incentive system including bubble level profit sharing to reward top performers.

Increasing knowledge worker productivity is our key response to the pincer of high inflation and slow growth. We must continue to build on our foundation and get it right.

Doing Less with Less

Chronically wanting to overachieve since 2016, we prioritise discovering, learning and experimenting various aspects of B2B marketing in Asia for effectiveness: from Diagnosis, Strategy, Marketing Operations to Omnichannel Tactics. Together with our equally ambitious and inquisitive clients, we are constantly probing, learning and pushing the boundaries of the analysis and planning process across segments and funnel, campaign executions across paid, owned, earned and events, with marketing automation, across different territory regions in Asia, at the highest level.

Except for one problem.

It is incredibly verbose.

What exactly do you do again?

With companies with reduced marketing budget for 2024, which offering should we focus to help our B2B marketing leaders to navigate this new normal?

We decided on doing less with less, and focus sharply on

  1. B2B Soft BANT lead generation (Satisfying at least 2 out of 4 BANT criteria)
  2. Marketing Operations (With Marketo)

What we did well

Running a single marketing tactic across one channel over a quarter is relatively easy, troubleshooting until it works is harder. However, orchestrating multiple marketing tactics across different channels over a year is perhaps the most challenging but once finetuned, will be the most efficient and competitive.

In 2023, we leverage our own Marketo and Zoominfo instance to help one of our Enterprise IT clients generate Soft BANT leads targeting Southeast Asia. We had a difficult start as it is a new concept and the initial investment and troubleshooting is understandably larger than normal. However, once we overcome the initial hurdle, the momentum started to build and Soft BANT leads started to flow.

When we learn from our client that the sales acceptance rate of our Soft BANT leads is higher than other vendors, we are elated!

The secret?

We kept the complicated parts of our B2B marketing method under the hood. Client just need to approve the assets bearing their Brand, while we maximise the flexibility of working within our assets and focus on delivering compliant Soft BANT leads that client can check and feedback on. It is a model similar to content syndicated lead generation but with a different engine and output!

On the other hand, we know it is hard to find skilled Marketing Operations resources in Asia. For clients who have complete control over their Martech stack and prefer to implement similar omni channel campaigns on their own assets to squeeze more ROI juice from their list, or clients who simply need to augment their existing APAC marketing operations team. We will focus on providing a Marketing Operations (With Marketo) support services for these clients.

What can be improved

While we realise the silo approach is almost always sub-optimal and is very hard to manage for effective MROI. However, due to internal structures of very large MNCs, there are inevitable tendencies to allocate budget and KPI by silos.

A senior B2B marketing leader once asked if I could attempt "how to breakdown marketing silos" as part of my "UnGPTable Challenge". I think this is a worthy topic, but for another day in the future, after we figured out marketing through stagflation first. For those interested, Forbes, together with Teredata contributed their POV on this topic here.

Different organisations have different power centers, dynamics and priorities.

In the near future, it is something we all have to live with it.

On a related note, an advisor recently pointed out to me that he noticed I tend to spend a disproportionate amount of time in the B2B marketing method "laboratory". He highlighted to me that it is really important for me to speak to even more B2B marketing leaders in 2024 to better appreciate the internal shifts they are facing in the context of new normal.

This IS the best and most impactful advise I've received in 2023 as a marketer.

I'm sure.

You have reached the end of my Year end review article! I want to thank you for spending your time and being part of Design Prodigy's journey with me.

I wish for you a happy 2024 filled with deep satisfaction. Onward!

PS: I'm including some notable 2023 achievements to encourage my future self. (Once a while, there are moments where I wonder why the hell I embark this difficult journey. I come back to read my year end reviews and get reminded of our little achievements over the years)

MARKies Gold Award for B2B Marketing Effectiveness

Gold! For B2B Marketing Effectiveness! Yes Yes Yes!

Total Defense Awards for SME

With the unfortunate ongoing wars in the world, we advocate strongly for National Service

Intervarsity UnGPTable Challenge 2023

Inaugural Winner for Intervarsity UnGPTable Challenge (B2B Marketing) together with our esteem Judges
Inaugural Winner and finalists for Intervarsity UnGPTable Challenge (ESG) together with our esteem Judges

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