Are You Asking Yourself the Right Questions?

Are You Asking Yourself the Right Questions?

Working with financial and insurance professionals over the years, I have come to believe that the only things that limit our success are our judgments, decisions and conclusions that impact our actions.

It’s not about the economy, the area we live in, the regulatory environment, the weather, or anything else outside us. It’s about how we’re interpreting our world.

The same success others we see others achieving is available to us when we find and address our limiting beliefs.

And the best process for this is one built around Questions, Awareness of possibilities, Decisions, and Action based on those Decisions.

A powerful Question leads to Awareness of what’s possible, which leads to a Decision about our next actions. And taking Action on that choice leads to a new result, and a chance to ask a different Question as our next step, starting the cycle over again and moving the advisor forward.

 Ask a Question that you don’t have an answer for. Imagine the possibilities. Make a Decision based on your expanded Awareness and then Act on that Decision. If you do, you’ll find yourself growing.

 But the Questions need to be empowering. Most advisors who aren’t where they want to be are asking disempowering questions:

“Why is this happening to me?”

“What am I doing wrong?”

“Why can’t I get what I want?”

“Why is this so hard?”

 Empowering questions include the following:

“I wonder what it would take for me to meet some really great new clients?”

“What’s the best thing I could I be doing now to improve my business?”

“Who do I need to be to make this happen?”

“I wonder what’s right about this situation/me that I am not seeing?”

“I wonder what it would be like if I was completely ____ today?”

“I wonder what my day would be like if I were ____?”

“What would it take for me to have more ____ in my business/life?

The more empowering questions we ask, the more possibilities we become aware of and the more decisions we act upon, the more our business—and our life—will improve.

You can do this on your own, but in my own life, I found that having a coach to ask the questions and bring me the awareness of the possibilities, allowed me to make much better decisions. And acting on those decisions improved things for me immensely,

I’d like to serve you in this way.  DM me or comment below if you’d like information about applying to work with me.

 And in the meantime, keep REACHING…

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