You can actually feel when it is time to move into life's next chapter
It just happens automatically and you can even feel this change is taking place in you. It feels like a page has been turned in your life just like the leaves of autumn have left the tree. It is somewhat like the spoken word which I cannot gulp back. Like the airport security check - it is just irreversible, and yet, it's the other side I want to be at. I'm on my way there. No, seriously. It feels like I'm standing at a door, looking out at a whole sea of possibilities called the Present seamlessly merging into my Futures. I have (a) choice(s) in front of me.
Even it feels like my body just shredded every single cell that might have kept me a young girl and replaced them with newer bits of a woman's. I'm yet to get to know this woman, although I am her. I can tell you this that she's formidable. On some days, it feels like a wave of breathlessness is taking over me. It feels exhilarating and so exciting entering a new phase. You are like connecting to a new network which is highly rewarding like 5G or something advanced.
It shows us to feel hopeful that things that at some point appeared immovable, are now inevitably moving. There's nothing more hopeful than that, is there? The new chapter has new rules. Who'd have ever thought the old ones could dissolve away? It felt like they were carved in stone. I keep coming back to this feeling of a page having been turned. There are other words there. The story is going forward. There may be some characters from the previous chapters, and maybe some newer ones will come. You'll never know. There's so much potential, and enough wisdom to know that you can keep on reading and understand the rules of the game. Things just got more and more interesting.
Remember these chapters in life don’t come with headers. They’re not numbered either but we add all that in later. I don’t know about everyone else, but I build a narrative after the fact, then check to gauge if it feels authentic. Each new chapter feels regular, or maybe, exhilarating? It begins with a jump, or maybe a period of inaction. For me it usually begins with something New. I like change, even with all of its incipient problems. I have different criteria for different chapters. I decided on the title of the book and subsequent film script years ago and only need to add the English subtitles below now while editing the film.
Most chapters in life begin with a new relationship. Major events - Or I can use apartments. Different schools or jobs. Problems and solutions, Decades - if I remember you can’t judge a new decade for the first two years like beginning of a new millennium. Remember how we all felt while entering the year 2000...from 1999 it was so exciting and exhilarating for all including the automatic date system on world computers.
It is just human nature that with every challenge in life we accept and discharge another chapter is recorded with a thousand new challenges awaiting acceptance. How does it feel to move on to the next chapter? It feels just like living life with joyful anticipation of every new day speaking for myself. Like we all had a that wasn't the prettiest, struggle the hardest to not just overcome what we went through and fight for restoration also are judged and criticised the worse.
The loved ones we once knew can become our biggest nonsupport system. This is where belief in a Higher Power comes in. When we think and believe that something greater then us is doing good things with us and thru us, then chatter of the doubters seem to get hushed. I know my Higher Power of Almighty God has completely turned my life around for the good of myself and those I am in contact with.
We have been given a great gift, to be a light to those who are in darkness. Those who throw the past in your face don’t understand the struggles and have no empathy for others. Keep moving forward, ignore the negatives, and surround yourself with people who need your story. What those people say negatively about you will have no value, the way you will walk into the future will make their words null and void.
Once you stop letting your past control your present and your future, you will see things changing in your life positively. Depending on what those events were - did you cause someone’s death? did you steal a pen from a store? did you jaywalk? - you will have to find closure in order to contain those events in your past. What is it will depend on you personally (no details given) and the transgression (no details given), and it will be an almost-therapy session to figure out what it would have to be to be meaningful to you.
Basically, it will center on you forgiving yourself for that and releasing your attachment to that event - it can be a quick conversation with someone you trust and who knows you or it can be years of therapy to get over it, there’s no middle ground here. The only thing is sure - you need to start the process now and if, during that event, you became a victim yourself, you will also have to heal your trauma, and this can take time. Cheers!
retail store manager
HR & Wellness Consultant | Writer & Promoter of Optimism & Growth Mindset
4yYes indeed we have to heal our past wounds and do the necessary work and healing otherwise we will carry it and it will show up in our ineffectiveness every where in our lives! Great post KISHORE SHINTRE!