Are you doing "the right thing" for your business?
Frequently, new business owners overreach or get ahead of themselves in actions that produce undesirable consequences. Once in their new business, many initiate changes in policy, personnel, and even organization structure, without a full understanding of what they are doing or the potential impact. Or in anticipation of future growth, they buy extra equipment and incur additional debt long before there is enough demand to justify and pay for the expanded capacity.
Suggestions: Minimally, changes and initiatives should be carefully thought out.Those made impulsively or in a burst of enthusiasm or from superficial analysis are certain to be troublesome in their unintended consequences. Those new at the helm need to recognize that rocking the boat may capsize it. “Steady as she goes” is usually better at first, or until you’ve gotten comfortable with the currents and crosswinds.
Changes, implementing significant change represent a major challenge for management and even experienced, successful business owners.Whether the goal is to improve operations or lay the groundwork for future growth, proceed deliberately and get professional help. All contemplated changes should be part of a comprehensive, long-range plan that anticipates your eventual and inevitable Exit from business ownership.
Consistent use of a Primary Business Consultant will significantly enhance current profits and future value!
Speaker| Author| PhD Candidate of Advanced Human Behavior| Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient
2yCurtis, thanks for sharing!