You are Enough!
Welcome back to this week's dose of insight and inspiration!
#1 Quick Win
You are Enough!
You are NOT a problem to be fixed -- despite what you might see on social media! It is so easy to allow someone else's "shoulds" encroach and quietly steal your happiness and well-being.
In this episode, I share an awareness technique for recognizing when a "growth opportunity" is really a "should" in disguise.
(Links to listen below).
Not a fan of podcasts? No problem! I've got you covered. You can read the full transcript here.
#2 Go Deeper
How to Avoid a Trap That Keeps Us Stuck and Limits Our Possibilities
The way that we think about a situation determines our options for moving forward. Too often, we fall into a thinking trap that takes away all our options, leaving us frustrated, stressed and unhappy.
This episode explores this thinking trap, how it shows up, and what we can do about it.
In addition, we cover:
About my guest:
Christine Green is a returning guest here on the podcast. She finds her inspiration in empowering others to grow beyond their limitations and discover their inner strength and courage. She is an author, facilitator, speaker, and minister and excels in providing people with practices to expand their awareness and overcome obstacles.
(Links to listen below).
Not a fan of podcasts? No problem! I've got you covered. You can read the full transcript here.
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Links to listen:
#3 Quote to Go
"The moment you accept responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you gain the power to change anything in your life.”
—Hal Elrod (born 1979)
Motivational speaker