Do It or Stop Talking About It
While watching the finals of The Voice and American Idol, something occured to me.
None of the contestants had abandoned their dream.
Well, some did, for a while. They got discouraged by the rejection or the frustration of having talent that wasn't being noticed, appreciated (or monetized) the way it deserved.
They set aside their passion and got a "real job" that paid the bills.
Or they got busy raising a family and had to set aside their music.
Some were able to turn their singing into a "side hustle."
But all of them kept their hope alive.
And when the opportunity to audition for these national singing competitions came up, they summoned up the courage to try out ... even when the odds were against them.
Instead of abandoning their dream because there was no guarantee it would succeed, they bet on themselves and put their hope on the line.
That is the one of the premises and purposes of my SOMEDAY book. To remind us that we have to have a dream - and act on a dream - for a dream to come true.
Dreaming costs nothing. NOT dreaming costs everything.
If you've been following this thread, you know I asked for your help with the sub-title last year. The winning choice? Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life.
When I announced that, Jillyn Hawkley Peterson responded:
“Know what my husband told me after getting tired of hearing me talk about something I wanted to do for more than a decade?
‘Are you ever going to do it?! Because if you’re not, could you please stop talking about it?’
I am now 1726 miles into a 3800 mile bicycle trek across the country and should finish sometime in 2019.
Because the only thing that happens someday is ... I’ll die.
And then I can’t get any of this stuff done.
I would make the sub-title Do It or Stop Talking About It. LOL.”
Kudos to Jillyn for showing us it's possible - at any age or stage - to make the rest of our life the best of our life.
Want good news? I just heard back from Jillyn. SHE FINISHED HER TREK. That's her in the photo above. (Check out her blog for details of her inspiring journey.)
Kudos to her for acting on her dream instead of just talking about it.
Back to you. What is something you've always wanted to do?
Are you talking about it or doing it?
What is a passion or talent you USED to do - but had to set it aside because you got busy, had to get a real job to pay the bills, have people to take care of ... whatever?
What is one thing you want to do this year that would help you like yourself and your life?
What is ONE THING you’ve been waiting to do that you would regret not doing?
Rene Ricard says, “Tomorrow is another day. But so was yesterday.”
Why not get out your calendar right now and put a DREAM LAUNCH DATE on it?
Why not get crystal clear on a talent or passion that makes you feel good about yourself and your life - and schedule a time for it this week?
Why not think of someone you could buddy up who would love to do this with you - so you can do it together, instead of going it alone?
Why not call that person, sign up for that event, register for that course, purchase that ticket, schedule that trip ... TODAY, not SOMEDAY?
You will never regret making a dream come true ... you will only regret not doing it sooner.
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Sam Horn, CEO of the Intrigue Agency, is on a mission to help people create the life, work and relationships of their dreams. Her TEDx talks and books have been featured in NY Times, on NPR, and taught to NASA, Intel, Cisco, NASA, Capital One, Nationwide, YPO. This is excerpted from Sam's latest book SOMEDAY is Not a Day in the Week. Want Sam to share this inspiring message with your group? Contact
Empowerment Expert | Author | Educator | Founder Progress Path - Mastery Education
5yGreat encouragement from passionate encouraged. Thanks Sam.