You have failed if you have to ask to run that extra mile!
Dear Paolo Gallo
Following your article in Forbes The Danger Of 'Running The Extra Mile'
may I add the following
When an organisation needs to ASK their people to “run the extra mile”, it’s a clear indication that they are already failing..
1. Failing to inspire a vision and sense of purpose.
2. Failing to engage and motivate their teams.
3. Management is failing to understand that the “extra mile” has to come from “within”, least it become “the extra lash of the whip”, as suggested in the article.
4. Managements failure in detailed planning of SMART objectives and details resource planning.
5. Lastly but not least when managers and leaders truly believe that: “As leaders and managers, we have the duty to both stretch people with challenging goals”, then clearly the world of Empowerment must be a stranger to a lot of them. When people are inspired and empowered, the role of leaders becomes one of an enabler and protector of a sustainable future, on that we both agree, “take a long week-end; well done go home early the next few days, you look tired…”.