Skilling You Softly - You are the mirror of your life coming

Skilling You Softly - You are the mirror of your life coming

Today is your day of self-recognition and time to take a stock check of your self-worth. Get yourself a pen and paper and for each of the questions you are about to ask yourself you will mark yourself from 1 to 10, with 1 being: not at all and 10 being: absolutely in every given way possible. 

Looking at yourself in the mirror ask yourself out loud these following questions and then mark each individually out of 10: 

1. Do I find me attractive? = 

2. Do I recognise what others love about me = 

3. Do I see what’s special about me = 

4. Can I see what makes me positively different? = 

5. Do I see how beautiful I am internally as well as externally = 

6. Do I see my potential for immediate success? = 

7. Do I influence my positivity to another through my own confidence of self-worth? = 

8. Do I appreciate and recognise the need to maintain loyalty to my health in its entirety = 

9. Do/did I feel loved and appreciated by my mam = 

10 Do/did I feel loved and appreciated by my dad = 

Total all the figures together, now mark that figure out of a hundred and it’s these figures that will help you understand the true value of your self-worth and complemented quality of life at this moment in time. 

Out of a hundred percent, how well did you score with your final figure e.g. if you scored 57% out of a 100% then what that means is your self-worth at this moment in time is scoring 57% while the remaining 43% of your daily lived quality of life lived-in home, relationship, work, daily success, family or other life modules is not in alignment with what resonates to the essence of your emotional quality within that module of life being lived right now. We call this portion your “contented and tolerance life” or “Cat life” for short.  

Basically, what it means is the remaining percentage is no more than contentment at the most, and being directed by nothing other than your synthetic belief that’s it's ok, or depending on how well practiced you are within the discipline of self-convincing the “cat life” will seem somewhat screened by the introduction of life projects that for some will basically buy the missing portions of happiness synthetically.

Generally, the “cat life” portion of your life is the portion that keeps you questioning are you in the right place, heading in the right direction, or even are you with the correct partner, purely because it does not naturally resonate with your liking, taste, moral judgment, personal expectations, the list is pretty extensive, and depending on the percentage figure you currently hold will depend on how frequent you will feel these urgencies of doubt. Lower the percentage in your cat life sum the less frequent you will feel the urge to question your choices of past, yet the higher the percentage the more frequent you will be battling with the feeling of “what have I done?” or how did I get here?”, “what was I thinking?” for just a few examples. The good news being you can, no matter how a long shot it may seem, you can absolutely without any shadow of a doubt change this and decrease the percentage sum of your “cat life” portion and increase the percentage sum of your self-worth portion quickly and naturally. 

It matters not how low or how high the percentage sum in your “Cat life” it is good health practice for the success of your life to always work on lowering that percentage sum and increasing your self-worth percentage sum. 

So, what’s the secret (pardon my punt), there’s not one, it’s purely self-recognition and making value to your past and investing that into your future. 

Take a good hard look at what is working for you and what is not. Remember we are creatures of habit and for the most part, repeat daily the same emotional holdbacks because it’s what feels safe. Today is your day of change and improve! You were born with exactly the same potential of success in life as any other on this earth, so why waste that opportunity to experience and own the fruits of your dreams when it’s already there at your feet ready to be claimed. 

So where do you start? With you of course!! Life success always starts at home first. Every aspect of your life is completely dictated by the amount of self-worth held. Ask yourself this one question: AM I GOOD ENOUGH FOR SUCCESS? (and mark out of 10) but before you answer, it's important you remind yourself that on the very day you were born, you came into your life carrying, knowing, and living one emotion only, and it is that of “I am worth it and worth even more” unconditional self-love untarnished by opinions or inherited traits. 

Only you can remind yourself of your true essence of specialness. Never allow yourself to forget how loyal the YOU is to you. The part of you that remembers vividly to this day how special she/he felt on that day of birth, nothing was going to stop the YOU from entering into a life that the YOU felt completely worth and valued to do. Pushing out with a full bank of positive thoughts and determined expectations, and the good news being this bank of positivity you brought with you never ever runs out of credit, nor do you have the ability to outgrow its feeling of self-love because it’s yours, it’s your very own fingerprint of unconditional positive expectancies. There will have been many within your life that will have blurred this knowing of truth that you clutched to your essence at birth, but be sure to remember you also came here to learn and grow, and growth can only come from the appreciation of seeing the value you received from another’s mistakes in feeling their fingerprint in life is or was more influential and deserving than yours, and this intensity can vary depending on the individual, but all is relevant regardless of how light or intense the experience.  

Your self-worth is a powerful personal emotion, and as babies, we have no knowing of doubt or feelings of unworthiness so this allows your self-worth to hold a continuous peak during those early days that is incredibly vibrant to those who come in contact and this is why we are all attracted to babies, finding them so uplifting and Joyous, just think about it, the baby cannot interact or even say the words to make you feel good in yourself, but what the baby can do is fill your surroundings with pure self-worth, how great, it’s an emotion we feel and never forget, and will always be attracted to because it feels like bliss, success, ownership of your life and happiness in abundance. 

Keep working with each of the questions, this is not a quick fix but will instantly bring change to your well-being. For the questions you scored low they are your bonus questions, these are the scores that will lift your life up and forward through your un-resented studies and healthy analytical eye of other people’s actions and influences during your life to this point, and don’t finger point blame for your low scores look for the benefits.

You see you are perfect, and all experiences are part of that creation within your life. Hurt only comes from our inability to understand another’s own lack of self-worth. For each question create a mind map on paper so each question becomes a question within a question. Whichever questions you scored low these questions are now your prime growth questions to work on. Your goal is to look for the why’s of understanding rather than “it was” or “they did”. Keep growing your mind map taking each question to its next level whilst ALWAYS replying with the most positive answer.

Never bring blame with your answers but emotional recognition and understanding. Using this format will then help you to reverse your low numbers to high scores because you will find that once you focus on the positive for your answer over a negative resentment you will see it was never about you or anything to do with your looks, it would have been all about the influencers lack of self-worth. You will find that once you’ve exhausted all emotional understandings for each low-scored question through the use of your mind map it will reverse itself and the layers of experiences will start to expose to you your true worth and success within your life. You are beautiful and no baby is born otherwise, so what’s changed for you. 

If you hold a healthy ego your individuality will always magnetically attract every element of love, success, and personal growth in your life. It is easy; all you have to do is see how attractive you are to others - Paul Rees 

AMY SINHA (English Speaking Voice Over Artist) Voice age is Child to Adult

I help people communicate their vision to the world with my voice! 💙💜


I love these questions!! My score is ok....could be higher. Lol! ❤️

Darrell Irwin

Changing The World By Building Award Winning Purpose-Driven Businesses. Cre8ion* | Di9ital | Hum4ns | Introbiz Bristol | MOT10N | Genesis Brands *B-Corp and now ⚡️The Purpose People Podcast⚡️


You can’t serve your who if you are not clear and confident in your you!

Jo Mogale

Bubble Developer - Certified by AirDev - Building Scalable, Performant & Secure Apps.


I love your article Paul, it came in great timing as I have been listening to a lot of David Goggins lately and he talks alot about looking at yourself in the mirror and asking yourself if you're happy with who you see.

Emma Hopkins ( Emma Jay)

Helping businesses be workplace wellbeing conscious. creating a positive culture, reducing absenteeism and staff turnover


This is thought evoking for sure. Little eye opener there for me and clearly some points to think about

Bernie Davies

Public Speaker | TEDx | Top 100 Business Woman |Author | EDI| NED| Adviser | Mentor| Trustee |Chair |Strategy |Leadership|Governance | Cross-sector


Love your series! So on point all the time.


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