Are you running a Lighthouse organization?
Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

Are you running a Lighthouse organization?

Find information and resources to Make A Difference - in yourself and your organization. Welcome to this week's MAD newsletter. Features this week include #DEI #Disney, #Strategy, #RightQuestions and more.

In this Issue:

  1. Lighthouse Organizations: Shedding Light on DEI
  2. Signals Reverberate
  3. The “Mickey Model” at 100
  4. What Won’t Get you There?
  5. Great Solutions, Wrong Problems
  6. Econ Recon


Lighthouse Organizations: Shedding Light on DEI

Businesses and societies can become more inclusive, not only because it confers a competitive advantage but also because it’s the right thing to do. But McKinsey & Company notes that we are moving toward parity far too slowly. 

At the current rate of progress, it will take 151 years to close the global economic gender gaps, 29 years for executive teams to reach gender parity, and 24 years to reach ethnic parity. 

To do better, we need to know what works and what doesn’t. McKinsey’s latest research collaboration with the World Economic Forum examines the "lighthouse organizations" that are running DEI initiatives with significant impact. Read about the five success factors that are common among DEI initiatives that had significant impact.


Signals Reverberate

This advice from Claire Lew, CEO, Know Your Team is when challenges rear their heads, the temptation as a leader is to put our heads down and tell ourselves, “I can grind it out. I can get through this.”

She advises the last thing we want to do is put our heads down. Instead, lift your head up. Take a look around, and notice the signals you’re both receiving and sending as a leader.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What signals have I been unintentionally absorbing, that has now (understandably) stressed me out? Am I being honest with myself about how overwhelmed, depleted, burdened, I already feel this early in the year?
  2. What signals am I inadvertently sending that off-load that overwhelm, stress, depletion, burden on to my team? Is that making things easier or harder for them to do their work well?

Signals reverberate. How are you handling your challenges and what signals are you sending to your team?


The “Mickey Model” at 100 

Do you know whose 100th birthday we can celebrate in 2023?  

Walt Disney Studios!

For most, Disney is about great characters and stories and world-class amusement parks. But Walt Disney was not just a creative artist. He built a business model that has lasted much longer than those of many companies created much later and now long gone. It has allowed the company to expand logically and imaginatively into areas Walt never dreamed

If you haven’t thought about what you can learn from Disney, this 2015 Business Insider article provides a great executive summary. Hopefully, it will help you think about how you can take the core of your business to places you never dreamed of.

There will undoubtedly be many articles on Disney’s 100th anniversary in 2023.  A posting on LinkedIn may be a great place to begin. Check out “The Famed #Disney #Business #Model Still Relevant in the #Streaming World.”


What WON’T Get You THERE

One of the worlds’ greatest and best known executive coaches, Marshall Goldsmith, wrote a book titled “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” in which senior executives were warned that what had made them successful to a certain point in their careers wouldn’t carry them the rest of the way to the top.

Vistage Strategy speaker Marc Emmer warns C-Level Executives that the same is true of a company’s strategy. Just as an executive’s contributions and role must change as he or she ascends, every growing business, if it is to continue to grow, needs a strategy that evolves as its environment does.   

More than one company was successful early on and stayed the course dictated by its early strategy, only to run off the road when the market demanded something different. 

Emmer provides a useful primer sponsored by Vistage Research to help you understand “Why the Strategy that Got You Here Won’t Get You There.” 


Great Solutions, Wrong Problems

A Vistage mantra is “the problem we name is the problem we solve”… we better get the problem right.

Author and thought leader Daniel Pink (“The Power of Regret” and “To Sell is Human” are must reads) thinks the way we ask questions unintentionally limits the choices we have. This risks great solutions….. to the wrong problem.

Pink offers a 1 min 55 sec video shows you how to solve problems more effectively with one simple change in how you ask a common question.


Econ Recon

Did we duck a bullet?: Considering the talk about recession, Thursday’s economic news of fourth quarter GDP annualized growth at 2.8% was as welcome as it was unexpected. Have we ducked the recession bullet?  

Economist Brian Wesbury thinks we shouldn’t confuse what’s behind with what’s ahead. In a one-page post he unpacks where this growth came from and why it hasn’t changed his mind about the economy. He warns Rearview Mirror OK, Collision Ahead.


ITR on the New GDP numbers:  Dr. Alan Beaulieu was happy to see the unexpected GDP report but urges a dose of analysis before too many champagne corks are popped. His 4-minute podcast, Reviewing GDP Update spells it out.    

Also, a few weeks ago I shared that ITR Economics had moved up their predicted 2025 recession into late 2023/early 2024, due to the Fed.  Those of you who would like a deeper dive into the how ITR sees monetary policy accelerating this downturn will find this short article explain why ITR is still watching the Fed of interest.


I welcome new subscribers - every week this newsletter reaches new people across the globe. Please repost or encourage others to subscribe.  I also distribute via email. Wishing you a productive week!

Sue Tinnish, PhD, Vistage Chair, Facilitator, & Executive Coach

Find me easily at: 847.404.7325,, Twitter: @STinnish, LinkedIn:, Website:  

Lindsay McKinnon

Marketing Operations Manager at ITR Economics


Thank you for the mention of ITR Economics Sue!

Michael Kramer, CPA | Baldrige Based Tools, Training, and Support | Integrator | CEO & COO Services


Sue Tinnish, PhD Interesting point from Brian Wesbury.

Sean Flaherty

>> Leadership and the Art of Possibility | The Momentum Framework


"Signals Reverberate!" Thanks for making me think this morning Sue Tinnish, PhD

Andrea Jones, MBA, PMP, Speaker

Founder | Investor | Speaker | Consultant | Asker of direct questions to clarify intent and help teams execute.


This is helpful - and thought provoking because sometimes the potential of a company is not the desire of the owner. What to do in those cases? “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” in which senior executives were warned that what had made them successful to a certain point in their careers wouldn’t carry them the rest of the way to the top.

Marc Emmer

President at Optimize | Keynote Speaker at Vistage Worldwide | Forbes & Contributor | Expert Strategy Facilitator


Thanks for the plug. DEI numbers are shocking


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