Are you sleepliving? How I discovered my life's true purpose.
Waking up today, September 10th, 2020 on this beautiful fall morning, I can honestly say being alive feels really good.
Why is that a newsworthy statement? Because there was a time in my life when I didn't want to wake up. And maybe you feel that way right now too. So if what I'm about to share with you helps you, mission accomplished!
Step into my time machine and take a ride with me back to a small-town hospital in Piqua, Ohio on June 11, 1977. In that hospital and on that day a little girl named Katherine Christine Moore was born.
Why are we going back there? Because I feel like my journey to the dark side started at birth.
For as long as I can remember I never really fit in. I was different. I was cut from a different cloth. I daydreamed too much. I had my head in the clouds.
I lived one made up life in my head and another physical life in 'reality'. Things 'normal' people thought were 'normal' just didn't make sense to me.
I struggled for a long time to 'be normal' but no matter how hard I tried, I just kept daydreaming with my head in the clouds doing things that didn't fit the mold of what a 'normal' girl should be doing.
Let me also mention that I had a baby when I was 17. I started feeling pressure to get a full time job, go back to school and get my masters degree, work my way up the corporate ladder, get married, buy a nice house, and fade into the background with an average life, in an average town, on an average street.
It was a slow and gradual process, but somewhere along my journey I stopped daydreaming, got my head out of the clouds and started doing what 'everybody' else thought I should be doing.
Since I was doing what 'everybody' thought I should be doing I was happy, right? Well, if you met me you'd think I was happy. I put on a happy face. 'Everybody' was happy with me so I was happy too, right?
Let's fast forward to the winter of 2016. I went to the doctor for that girly checkup us ladies have to do once a year. My doctor asked me how I was doing and I remember telling him that I'd been sleeping more than usual.
As a matter of fact, I was sleeping so much I was missing work because I was just so tired I didn't want to get out of bed.
After I told him that, he asked the strangest question. He asked me if I felt tired on the weekend.
Hugh?? I hadn't really thought about it so I had to think back to the most recent weekend.
"No", I said, "My daughter had a soccer game, I cleaned the house, I hung out with my family and we had a great time, I had a great weekend. I wasn't tired at all."
I couldn't understand what that had to do with anything until he said, "Are you depressed"?
"What? Depressed! No, I'm not depressed. I'm happy. See me smiling? I'm happy! I had a great weekend. I have a great family. I have a great life" I said.
That's when he suggested I make an appointment with my family doctor to have more testing done.
She asked me some questions, make me fill out a questionnaire, ordered some blood work which came back normal and put me on a prescription medication for depression and anxiety.
Since that day I've been on a physical, mental and spiritual journey to figure out what my purpose in life is.
Why did I stop daydreaming?
Why did I get my head out of the clouds?
Why am I on this earth?
What is my true purpose? My passion? My reason for waking up?
What I've discovered in the years since that day is there is a reason why I felt like I didn't fit in as a child.
I was trying to live a life someone else wanted me to live. I was trying to fit my square life into a round world.
I suppressed freedom and the ability to live the life I wanted to live for so long, all my essential-self wanted to do was sleep. (read Martha Beck, "Finding Your Own North Star" if you want to learn about the essential-self and social-self).
In order to wake it up, I went on a journey to find my true purpose. To find what brings me true joy, happiness, and fulfillment in life.
I can honestly say, it's been a long and sometimes agonizing journey of discovery and awakening but I wouldn't change a thing.
Because it's the journey that brought me to you right here, right now.
What I learned on my journey of awakening and discovery and the process I used to find my true purpose in life now allows me to help you through your journey of awakening and discovery.
Because I went first, I can now help you find and live the life you were meant to live.
Do you often feel like you're sleepwalking through life? Like you're sleepliving?
Are you ready to wake up, discover your true purpose and passion, and live the life you were always meant to live?
It is possible for you to finally be free from whatever is holding you back from the life you are meant to live and the person you are meant to be.
Maybe it's an abusive spouse, a horrible boss, a toxic work environment, an unsupportive family, an addiction, or something else that's got you feeling trapped.
Whatever your situation is, the first step toward freedom is having a confidential conversation with a certified coach who can help sort out the baggage of life and get you going in the right direction.
Use this link to schedule a FREE confidential mini-coaching session with me.
Whether you hire me as your long term coach or not, you'll leave this FREE session with a little more clarity, feeling a little bit lighter, and well, just plain better! And who doesn't want to feel better?
#1 Door to Door salesman in the world Top 10 Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2020
4yGreat article.Insightful.
It surprises me how many people have a dream goal that they are truly passionate about, but they spend their life thinking it is out of reach. This is why I love coaching. It shows that these big ideas can be attained... and much more!
CEO-SDP, Certified Coach, PCC, BCC, LSCC, ACTC
4yWay to model courage Katherine! Breaking free from the constraints to find your path is exciting.