Are You Still Confused about A.I.?
I was very surprised by a poll that I took this month, that one-fourth of my teacher/educators are confused by AI. and not sure how they can use it.
Remember that while AI can enhance our reading experience, also, remember that it cannot replace the value of real human connection and recognition. I feel that, no matter how much AI can evolve, it can never be substituted for the human touch.
Understand that Artificial intelligence is one of today’s most cutting-edge and developing technologies. Also that it will greatly improve the teaching and training field. One of the ways is that all of that tedious research that we have become accustomed to can now be automated and completed by AI.
This will allow greater time for instructors, like ourselves to get to know our audience (students) and provide more value.
Very quickly for those of us that are not familiar with AI here is a short, very short, definition of what artificial intelligence is.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that seeks to build intelligent machines. AI research deals with the question of how to create computers that are capable of intelligent behavior. Of course, that can sound scary, but that is a topic for another discussion.
Just remember that we have been using AI for a long time. What is Grammarly or even AutoCorrect, was a forerunner (NLP)? There is a whole website built using AI?
I hope this has put your mind at ease.