Throughout history, most people accepted and embraced the world they were born into and they were ridiculed whenever they questioned their worlds. If you were born in Saudi Arabia, America or China, you would most probably be a Muslim speaking Arabic, a Christian speaking English or a Buddhist speaking Mandarin, respectively. It would be no coincidence that everyone believes they possess the truth and are the only people in a covenant with God.

Societies that do not question the traditions of the past would never evolve. Do not wait until the time comes when you ask yourself, how did anyone accept that world the way it was?

This was the introduction of my book “Any version of History is just a hiSTORY”. A book I wrote for people who desire to change their perspective and outlook about life, death, money, culture, beliefs and most importantly, history.

Let me share with you few quotes and illustrations from the book.  

“Any version of history is just a story and the story might be only a shadow.”

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“There will always be good and bad in this life. What you are determined to focus on is relatively what you will see, react to, and will become your unique reality. Just decide how you want your reality to be.”

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“Once one generation is controlled, the control of subsequent generations becomes easier.”

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“Prisons have transformed and evolved by human beings developing their own distinct invisible walls: walls of fear, walls of comfort zones, walls of history, walls of culture, walls of ideologies, walls of egos, walls of habits, walls of instincts, walls of sins and walls of greed.”

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“Those who believe in the positive power of words recognize that being speechless makes them powerless, and they believe words are mightier than bullets, spears, and swords.”

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“Prior knowledge, mood, experience, personality, and cognitive ability provide a cognitive bias or an anchor when making a decision or judgment. Once this anchor is set, all available information and associated interpretations revolve around it.”

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“Beware that many people to a certain extent are “asleep.” The only time they will see reality the way it is, is when they wake up to discover that they have been living in a world of zombies.”

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“Those who wear masks slowly become immersed in fake virtual lives till they lose sight of who they really are and the masks they wear. They become unconsciously unaware of the adverse impacts on themselves and others.”

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The thirty-two topics that make up this book are vaguely related, and every topic can stand alone to represent a subject. While the topics can be sequenced in many different ways, it is typical that the first article leads to the next. Most articles are introduced with a judicious story, a natural phenomenon, a scientific fact, theoretical perspectives or divine imperatives. They all end with intriguing and thought-provoking questions for you to contemplate and think about.

After reading this book, you will discover that you might not know it all, honor that others see things differently, and recognize that you and others might be equally wrong. You will enjoy and learn from any version of history; it is just a STORY.


I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to those who read the book and gave me very generous reviews that I’d like to share with you.

“This is one of the books that I encourage you to read and think about its thought provoking ideas and how they really connect to you in a very profound way. This is a very powerful and inspiring book that calls us to open our minds to moments of communions, tolerance and peace. It took courage to write this book and will take courage to read it.” Dr. Marshall Goldsmith.

“In this book, Saeed demonstrates his grasp on humanity and shows us how to think about doing the same. If you are looking for a tool to help you re-frame your thoughts and become energized to follow that up with action that can change the world for the better, take some time to read the pages in this book.” Heather R. Younger.

“Although Saeed writes halfway around the world in a very different culture, it is obvious to me that we have similar values. In re-reading Saeed’s writings, he helped me to remember a lesson that too many of us forget: that great insights can come from other industries, other professions, other countries and other cultures. The greatest encouragement I can offer you is that Saeed’s work makes me think; I am confident he will do the same for you.” Bruce Kasanoff

“In a remarkable new book, Saeed Mubarak takes a look at history and the ways in which we frame our stories. It calls us to reflect, find moments of connection and understanding, and question the frequent belief that our version of right and wrong is the singular, absolute truth. One of my favorite quotes: "Be aware that to a certain extent many people are 'asleep.' The only time they see reality the way it is, is when they wake up to discover they have been living in a world of zombies." There are times when I think we've all felt like many of the people we come into contact with are meandering through their existence on autopilot, rather than living it. Saeed encourages everyone to wake up, take hold of their lives, and embrace that which allows them to write their own unique stories.” Stephen Forrester

“In this book, Saeed does a brilliant job in setting a landscape of thought provoking ideas that will allow you to change your perspective on multiple matters in new and unexpected ways. Several years ago, I was amazed by his linkedIn post related to “Gravity - The Mysterious Force”, to the point that I made it my first slide of my Hydraulic Fracturing Course focusing on challenging conventional wisdom. Now I had the privilege of reading a full version of this story in one of the book’s chapters and managed to find additional meaningful learnings. The book is filled with “Gems” like this one I just mentioned, written in such a vivid language that you will be instantly interested in reading the book from the beginning to the end. I strongly recommend you to reading “Any Version of History is just a STORY”, you will not be disappointed!” Hernan Buijs

“What a great book by Mr Mubarak. This is not a novel that you will read while sunbathing. Reading the book takes courage and the willingness to think about your life. Past present and future. It is mesmerizing how the questions asked do apply to the unprecedented times we are experiencing today. After reading the book once, I actually went back to read again two paragraphs and was very surprised to see that my understanding of the content had changed after reading the entire book. In fact, I suspect you could read the paragraphs in any order and come up with different ways to understand your life and your world. Enlightening.”  Philippe Herve

“On a first glance the title clicked and that’s when I went on to purchase the book. Saeed, presents the content of the book in a very simple yet expressive way. The language is very easy to comprehend and the content is very well drafted and put across. Each chapter begins with a saying and a picture which actually makes the reader think. Questions at the end of each chapter to challenge yourself, enlighten the reader to go deeper in understanding and thinking about life in another perspective. The idea of 'Wearing No mask', 'Thinking if one is a voice or an echo' all make things a lot more easier to comprehend. In my perspective each one should read the book and then introspect into their own lives to get a clearer picture. Very well written Saeed, Hope we can read a lot more books by the Author.” Jetly

 “So I bought a copy to read on a plane......by the time we landed I had ordered 25 copies for my executive team. The book is a lesson in ethics, truth, and happiness.......the book will make you think, laugh and reflect......I recommend this to anyone who ever wonders where they are going; or better yet how they got where they are......Great Read.” Sully Cook 

“I read a book titled “A Story” written by Saeed AlMubarak. The book was so good I purchased 25 copies to share with my executive staff. The book is thought-provoking and will get you thinking beyond the boxes we all live in. Please take my advice and enjoy this great written document.” Bob Sullivan

“I love your book with your kids’ illustrations!!!” REGINA SCHRECKER

“Thank you Saeed - your book is needed more than ever now!” Johana Dunlop

“EXTREMELY PROUD of my dear inspiring colleague, Saeed Mubarak.. the talented engineer who managed to publish his first book: "Any Version of History Is Just a Story" On seeing the world, life, culture, money, and everything around us and within us in a completely new and critical lens. It's quiet inspiring to see this book go from something Almubarak talked about as "something he is working on", to a physical book that I can hold with my own hands! Quality insightful articles generously shared with the world” Mayada (Maya) Alhashem

““Any Version of History Is Just a Story” is one book that has been written in a timely manner, at a time when the world needs other opinions rather than just one sided view of ideas. Saeed Mubarak has taken a look at history by the way stories are written. He challenges us to be the author of our own story, and to always question the version of the story being told, there is always another version told from a different perspective. Saeed has graphically illustrated the “Circle of Available Knowledge” in a way that is thought provoking, yet educating. I highly recommend this book to everyone for its clarity and thought provoking questions.” Mahamadu Sumani

“I have been reading some stories from your book, and the thing that occurs to me is the need to acknowledge the existence of common and undisputed ‘facts’ when forming the concepts of ‘history’ and ‘truth’. Having said that, it is disheartening to me personally and destructive to our belief systems globally that even facts now seem negotiable. It’s as if people no longer seek facts before deciding personal truth/history - rather the opposite. Truth/History is now written presciently in anticipation of ‘finding’ facts, and only acknowledging facts, that support what someone wishes truth/history to be.” Bart Stafford

Reading this valuable book is highly recommended... each of us should examine his/her conventional thinking as well as his/her paradigms, because “we see no more than what we expect to see”. This book, impacted my thoughts in one way or another and I hope it will do to yours as well." Dia Qudaihy 

“Saeed’s book is a great reflection on life itself. Each chapter challenges the way we see, think and analyze our surroundings. At the end of each chapter, he then challenges the reader to reflect even deeper upon what was just read through several questions he poses. If you are looking for a book that will challenge just about every concept of your critical thinking skills, I highly recommend Saeed Mubarak’s book.” Alan Seymour

You all take care and stay blessed

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