Your 2015 Predictions: Sheep Dreams, Health, Wealth and Your Love Life
“To be at odds with yourself is self-defeating” ~Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos/author
By Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos, TV Producer/Host & Author/Lecturer of the International bestseller, Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing which promotes patient advocacy &connecting with Inner-guidance for success in health,wealth & relationships. (prayers answered in dreams 30 sec video)
Do you ever pray for help? The answers may come in your dreams. Those dreams can be daydreams; moments when your mind wanders to a beach beyond time and space and wades in the waters of Universal Wisdom from the Ocean of Gnosis. There, we receive answers from our Higher Power.
As a three-time breast cancer survivor whose dreams diagnosed illness missed by the medical community and the tests on which they relied, I understand the importance of dreams, female intuition and Inner-guidance, which diagnosed my stage-four breast cancer recurrence. That is as lucky as winning the lottery three times in a row. Luck had little to do with it. Divine intervention did. I learned that the power of science goes so far, and then comes our Higher Power.
We were all born with Guardian-angels and Spirit-guides. We are their job and they take that job seriously. Dreams are doorways to Inner-guidance where your ET (Eternal Teacher) phones home for help during difficult times. Miraculously, someone always answers the call.
A New Year resolution involves giving up something to improve your life. For 2015 choose to add Inner-guidance. Start with a dream journal or recording device beside your bed.
Out with the old Chinese 2014 Horse and in with the new 2015 symbol; Green Wooden Sheep. The first day of Green Wooden Sheep is February 4, 2015. Chinese New Year Day is on February 19, China Standard Time. The Year 2015 is the 4712th Chinese Year.
2015 will be an Inner-guidance turning point for many people. If you were lucky in the past two years, then you will maintain your achievements. If you were unlucky the last two years, 2015 brings the opportunity to create your future. This is because Sheep contains the Female Earth, which grows plants, and helps to create something from nothing. 2015 is all about teamwork. Sheep were born 1931-02-17—1932-02-05.
Numerology: 2015 is an 8-Year. 8 will manifest the physical world. 8 is the infinity sign standing at attention, which makes for limitless possibilities concerning answers to dreams, prayers and meditations. .
What does the 2015 Inner Guidance Horoscope hold for you and your loved ones? What dreams of health, wealth and love do you share? During challenging times that question your resolve, Your Power Word may hold the key to an answer. Stand in your power.
Aries- (3/21-4/19) Your Power Word: Creativity
Negative: Health; Positive: Destiny
Beware: Negativity
Lucky Numbers: 5; Season: Spring; Element: Fire;
Embrace: Color: Blue; Foods: Cauliflower; Direction: South
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Clubs; Tarot Card: Wands
Changes are in store for Aries. Everything is going as planned, but others may interfere. Sunny days are ahead for your finances. Your career takes a downward turn but diligence saves it. Your love life gets better than you ever imagined.
Taurus- (4/20-5/20) Your Power Word: Wealth
Negative: Expenses
Positive: Family
Lucky Numbers: 6; Season: Fall; Element; Earth
Beware: Workers
Embrace: Color: Red; Direction: North; Food: Rice
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Diamonds; Tarot Card; Pentacles:
Taurus finds a friend in technology. Maintain stability with family. Allow solitude in your life. Time alone helps you recharge. 2015 looks stable in wealth. Love interests flourish.
Gemini- (5/21-6/20) Your Power Word: Challenge
Negative: Over excitement; Positive: Decisions
Lucky Numbers: 11; Season: Winter; Element: Air
Beware: tricksters
Embrace: Color: Yellow; Direction: East; Food: Sour
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Spades; Tarot Card: Swords
Gemini, your finances improve. Opportunity falls into your lap. Stay focused. Do not let others distract you from new ventures. Your love life presents challenges concerning an established friendship. Let go of grudges.
Cancer- (6/21-7/22) Your Power Word: Love
Positive: Think; Negative: excitement
Lucky Numbers: 12; Season: Summer; Element: Water
Beware: business
Embrace: Color: Blue; Direction: West; Food: Cold products
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Harts; Tarot Card: Cups
Cancer, confidence strengthens as you tackle issues and attract a new love interest. Stop taking life so seriously, your health for granted and rediscover dreams. You are capable of more than you know.
Leo- (7/23/8/22) Your Power Word: Action
Positive: Logic; Negative: Arrogance
Lucky Numbers: 9; Season: Spring; Element: Fire
Beware: Older man
Embrace: Color: Green; Direction: South; Food: Bitter
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Clubs; Tarot Card: Wands
Leo, your hard work pays off. Finances and health improves when your career gets a boost. Your fire element makes you passionate about projects. Beware of those who take advantage of your kindness. Your Inner-guidance helps a family member in crisis.
Virgo-(8/23-9/22) Your Power Word: Health
Negative: Hesitation; Positive: Confidence
Lucky Number: 10; Season: Fall; Element: Earth
Beware: Over excited
Embrace: Color: Red; Direction: East; Food: Green
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Diamonds; Tarot Card: Pentacles
Virgo, your calm demeanor will be tested in 2015. You possess the innate ability to collect facts using Inner-guidance. Brush up on your anger management skills because you’ll need them. As finances improve Cupid favors you.
Libra- (9/23-10/22) Your Power Word: Thought
Positive: Health; Negative: Decisions
Lucky Numbers: 3; Season: Winter; Element: Air
Beware: Close friend
Embrace: Color: Red; Direction: North; Food: Bitter
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Spades; Tarot Card: Swords
Libra, 2015 presents both reward and challenge due to your indecisive nature. Stand in your power and speak your truth. Relax concerning finances. Find your inner-artist and set yourself free. Your dislike of confrontation causes problems in love.
Scorpio- (10/23-11/21) Your Power Word: Emotion
Negative: Anger; Positive: Win
Lucky Numbers: 4; Season: Summer; Element: Water
Beware: Driving
Embrace: Color: Blue; Direction: West; Food: spicy
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Hearts; Tarot Card: Cups
Scorpio, you gain respect when your Inner-guidance handles a life crisis with integrity. An opportunity you’ve been carefully planning will present itself in a way you never expected. Be alert to love clues in dreams.
Sagittarius- (11/22-12/21) Your Power Word: Passion
Negative: Impatience; Positive: Sustainability
Lucky Numbers: 1; Season: Spring; Element: Fire
Beware: Family
Embrace: Color: White; Direction: South; Food: Green products
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Hearts; Tarot Card: Cups
Sagittarius, your enthusiasm is infectious. The last few years have tested you. You proved yourself during times that seemed unfair. Pluto, the planet of transformation, has been remodeling your life and guiding you. By summer finances improve, as do chances for love.
Capricorn- (12/22-1/19) Your Power Word: Physical
Negative: Pride; Positive: Perseverance
Lucky Number: 6; Season: Fall; Element: Earth
Beware: Addictions
Embrace: Color: Red; Direction: North; Food; Leafy
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Diamonds; Tarot Card: Pentacles
Capricorn, you will continue to amaze yourself and gain respect from colleagues. Your close relationship with family cause health issues from worry. In love, Inner-guidance urges you take chances. The outcome is a positive surprise.
Aquarius: (1/20-2/18) Your Power Word: Observation
Negative: Pride; Positive: Perseverance
Lucky Number: 6; Season: Winter; Element: Air
Beware: Love.
Embrace: Color: Yellow; Direction: East; Food: red items
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Spades; Tarot Card: Swords
Aquarius, things will rarely be dull in 2015. Manage life’s roller-coaster ride. Your soul needs to be fed, your body needs to relax and your mind needs to unwind. Seek Inner- guidance in dreams. Make emotional connections for love to survive.
Pisces- (2/19-3/20) Your Power Word: Empathy
Negative: Emotions; Positive: Confidence
Lucky Number: 4; Season: Summer; Element: Water
Beware: contracts
Embrace: Color: Brown; Direction: South; Food: greens
Inner Guidance- Playing Card: Hearts; Tarot Card: Cups
Pisces, 2015 will be about growth. Adaptation will be a running theme. Your instincts are highly developed so trust Inner-guidance. Change is in the air with respect to love and career. You’ve earned a long-awaited get-a-way. Enjoy it!
Now that you are aware of 2015’s endless possibilities, please join me for more information on accessing your Inner –guidance for a life filled with peace of mind. Discover your dream language, identify the 7 types of dreams, and experience 6 ways to remember them. Find priceless pearls of wisdom in dreams created by the sands of time. Perhaps those pearls are the answers to your prayers.