Your ABC and happiness!
What is your secret to happiness?
Let's ask ourselves - Have we practiced our ABC?
Is it that simple? Yes, you read right!
From our experiences we will soon believe that happiness is a marathon and not a sprint. It is a journey and never a destination. So how do we enjoy this journey?
Here are my three simple steps in trying to be happy always. There's no one secret sauce to happiness, but I definitely found this to be worthy of practice and have personally seen immense benefits as well. It's all about:
A - Almighty
B - Blessings
C - Challenges
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Living a life of gratitude is so important. In my experiences over the years, when I suggest that people journal their life, the first thing they focus on is their worries, their pitfalls and their problems. They then end up asking themselves - Why me? If, we only flip that and make our life filled with an attitude of gratitude, you can be rest assured that the results will be totally different. So, have we thanked the Almighty for what we have. Despite the challenges of the current economic challenges, rapid technological changes, family challenges, job insecurity, social betrayals and more, we can find solace in being thankful. We would still be able to manage and coexist with what is going on around us if we adopt this, as part of our culture.
Moving on to the next step on our journey of happiness is the blessings that we receive in many ways. Do we count our blessings? Do we see the people in our life as a blessing or a curse. On may occasions I would hear my friends say that they are tired of their jobs. I would always ask them to forget their concerns at work and start counting the good at work and more often than not, they end up by saying that the negatives were only a handful versus the long list of good. We can have a different outlook when we appreciate what focus on what we have, rather on what we don't possess.
Last, but not the least, we will be better equipped to face challenges, because of our positive frame of mind and our optimism of the future. Converting our setbacks to be seen as challenges and not problems could help us be better individuals. Making every experience a learning experience will help us build that growth mindset. Being curious to find innovative ways to confidently come out of the challenge, would make us more acceptable to setbacks. This would also make us more resilient.
Make no mistake! If we get our order wrong and we go with 'challenges' first, then life would like an utter failure and our happiness journey would be short-lived. Our challenges will block our view so much that we would lose sight of the huge blessings that we actually enjoy. And as a result, we would forget about the Almighty! So, let us practice our ABC to enjoy our journey of happiness.
This article is written by Willis Langford, an unbiased, result driven & passionate HR professional who has a flair for technology and keen interest in making this world a better place with a zest for life.