Your “Financial” New Year’s Resolution | 2023 Tax Planning Tips
Don't forget to put your financial wellness on your to do list for 2023!
We are almost a month into 2023 now, and for those who are ahead of the game with their finances are probably more focused on financial matters related to last year, instead of planning for the year(s) ahead. After all, the RRSP contribution deadline is a month away and, soon after, it will be time to file your 2022 income tax return.
Effective planning takes place throughout the year, not just during RRSP and tax season. There are some things you can action now to make a positive impact on your overall finances and help you save when you file your 2023 tax return a year from now, to get the most of your hard-earned money.
Here are some tips to help you to start the year off properly for financial success:
1) Where to invest your savings: TFSA VS RRSP
2) Tips for the First Home Savings Account
3) Automate Your Savings Plan
4) Make Income-Splitting a Family Affair
5) Considerations for Business Owners
Where to invest your savings: TFSA VS RRSP
While there are relatively few tax shelters available, most people do have access to two valuable ones: the registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) and tax-free saving account (TFSA). With the RRSP deadline coming up March 1st, many are debating whether to put extra cash into an RRSP for the tax deduction, or to have the funds more accessible and compounding tax-free in a TFSA.
Here is a breakdown of the key differences between an RRSP and a TFSA:
While RRSP’s are beneficial in helping to reduce your taxes, TFSA accounts can’t be overlooked to put yourself in a position to optimize your net worth and make the most of your savings in a tax-free environment - which compounds over time tax-free.
If you are currently in a high income–tax bracket and you don’t foresee needing the funds in the short term, then contributing to your RRSP may be more appropriate. If you are in a reasonable tax bracket and expect to have a large pension or other sources of income in retirement excluding an RRSP, contributing to your TFSA is likely the answer.
Given the recent stock market decline, this is now an excellent opportunity to utilize your Tax-Free Savings Account. And given data from the CRA, many Canadians are not taking advantage of this tax-free account - which I find very surprising!
Tips for the First Home Savings Account
This upcoming tax-free account offers a high degree of flexibility for new homebuyers, so be sure to take advantage when the new registered account launches in April 2023.
In short, the FHSA provides first-time homebuyers the ability to save up to $40,000 on a tax-free basis, with an annual contribution limit of $8,000 (contributions are also tax-deductible). The annual contribution is carried forward if the account was opened, even if no contributions were made.
Here are a couple strategies to keep in mind:
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The below image does a great job explaining some key differences between a FHSA, TFSA, and RRSP account:
You can combine a FHSA withdrawal with an RRSP homebuyers plan withdrawal if needed, which provides an additional $35,000 from an RRSP for a down payment. Stay tuned for the new account launch in a couple months!
Automate Your Savings Plan
Once you have decided where to invest your savings, consider setting up automatic contributions as a way of “forced savings” to ensure you are making your contributions regularly. Even a small amount set aside on a regular basis will compound significantly over time, while taking advantage of dollar-cost averaging during down-periods of the market.
Ideally, you want to have the recurring contribution synced with your paycheque – this way you are paying yourself first before the money is gone for other needs or expenses.
Make Income-Splitting a Family Affair
Income-splitting can provide substantial tax savings. Assuming there is a significant difference between spouses’ incomes, arrange to have more income received by the lower-income spouse (at a lower tax rate) that otherwise would be earned by the higher-income spouse.
The most basic form of income splitting is for mortgage payments and other household bills to be paid by the higher-income spouse, which allows new investments to be made by the lower income spouse and subsequently pay less tax on income and capital gains. If you have a family business, salaries can be paid to your spouse and children, as long as they are for legitimate work and the amounts are reasonable.
This can be done in addition to Spousal RRSP contributions, which provides the higher- earner tax deductions for the contributions, while having the account taxed under the lower-earning spouse during retirement.
If you are looking at opportunities to reduce your tax bill, income splitting – the ability to use the lower tax rates of other family members to decrease the personal tax bills of you and your family – may meet your needs. Please reach out to learn more about income splitting strategies to help mitigate your taxes.
Considerations for Business Owners
If you are an incorporated business owner, here are a few key items to consider:
Thanks for reading!
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All the best until next time!
Nathan Biren, Financial Advisor Associate
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