Your Growth Partner...
You've done it on your own so far... why would you need a Business Growth Partner now?
Feb 26, 2020
Whoop whoop you've successfully being running your own business....
So you've been running your business for years. And of course you're proud of all the things you've achieved. You have built it up, got great customers, developed fabulous customer loyalty. Your operational delivery is slick, and you have even started to employ people. You are contributing to the local and national economy. That is something to be incredibly proud of. Take a moment to reflect on that. Let me say it again... You are contributing to the local and national economy.
You should be proud. It is your business, built on your passion, your expertise.
To do all of this... you've put in long hours and invested alot of money. you have overcome many challenges along the way and the too many sacrifices to count. Stresses and sleepless nights too have been often. And let's not forget all the things you've had to learn along the way... which weren't your passion or expertise. For example... finance, sales, marketing, technology, HR, and more.
Of course you've brought in other businesses to help along the way. Such as website creators, brand designers, an accountant and so on... they've done their bit for you. But you have kind of done it on your own.
You've pushed yourself out of your comfort zone on a daily basis. Moving your business from striving to thriving. It has been tough... even lonely at times.
So you've done all this yourself. Why would you need the support of a Business Growth Partner now? Why would you trust anyone else to REALLY be in it to win it with you? Why would you REALLY want to open up about the challenges in your business? That might show things weren't as rosy as the social media posts you were posting or the smile you were wearing each day. Or others might think you were being greedy even. Perhaps too career driven wanting even more. And you care what others think, don't you?
Imagine if this could have been different...
Imagine if you had someone there to support, advise and even create and deliver your growth strategies for you into your business, into your teams.
Imagine if you had someone you can call every day. To bounce ideas off, get input into decisions, and discuss challenges as they arise and overcome them.
Imagine this person having the expertise in not only finance but in sales and running successful businesses.
Imagine having someone who cared as much as you about your business thriving.
Imagine having a rubbish day, or a decision to be made and being able to make a call. Then the release of stress as you have a chat and develop a strategy to move forward. Then imagine being able to cuddle your family, relax over dinner and have a great nights sleep knowing tomorrow you know exactly what can be done.
Imagine what that would be worth in terms of business growth.
Imagine what that would be worth in terms of your mental wellbeing.
Imagine that person next to you, working with you... like a business partner.
A great Business Growth Partner...
They will adapt what they do. They will flex their style and support to each client based on their strengths and development needs, where their business is at now and where they want to get to, and the pace at which they want change. But the key thing they will deliver for all clients is RESULTS... business growth and mental wellbeing improvement. Yes mental wellbeing improvement too. A great Business Growth Partner will enable business to flourish and hence improved sleep, improved health, better work life balance, improved family relationships, less stress.
The best Business Growth Partners will not keep themselves arms length. They will not only ask great questions they will shape and help create the foundations, develop the options and implement the strategies with you. They will give you feedback that you may not to hear, They will tell you the hard truth as they are emotionally vested in your success as much as you are. They will work with you to create the shape of business that is right for you. Together.
For me that is what gives me the buzz. Getting my hands into the business and getting things done. As this is what I set out to do. Business shouldn't be difficult if you have the right combination of passion, expertise and business knowledge. My clients have the passion and expertise and I bring my own passion with the business knowledge. A perfect match.
Now is the time for you and if you want to know more...
Thinking now is the time to find out more? Give me a call. I don't bite... I'm actually quite nice LOL. Or send me an email. Let's meet for a coffee and have a chat or have a call depending on location. There is no obligation and I guarantee you will get lots of ideas to take your business forward if nothing else.
Contact details or 07388022473
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4yThis is a great introduction to what you do Dee Beckett - Award winning business growth partner