Your Just Like Everyone Else….What Gives?
In your current role have the people around you– changed you?
Are you changed or being changed?
Do you have the skills to be a catalyst in your organization
"You become like the 5 people you hang around the most."
A quote attributed to several people (Jim Rohn and Tim Ferris)
I first heard that when I was preparing to join a new ODA team (Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA, A-Team) is the operational element of Army Special Forces Green Beret).
It was a valuable lesson for me. I can be changed by others or I can make change happen in others. I could go with the flow and do what others do or choose to be someone who makes a difference.
That was an easy decision for me….I despise living in stereotypes or going with the crowd; if I'm living, I will make an impact.
Since I learned to embody that quote, I have applied it to many situations and organizations. From the military to intelligence organizations and the private sector, and personally to whom I spend time with.
As I have written previously, the impact a leader can have
The term catalyst has been used to describe the impact of a leader. A catalyst can be a good thing or a bad thing.
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In Human Terms
A catalyst initiates, accelerates, or facilitates change, progress, or a particular outcome. For example, in leadership or team dynamics
Character, values, and what you stand for profoundly impact what kind of catalyst you can be.
In this sense, a catalyst brings about a significant or transformative effect
Most teams don't naturally improve by merely existing. They need catalyst behavior to make good change happen. These individuals are the driving force behind progress, making things happen.
Three Archetypes of Team Members
Every successful team needs catalysts to reach their highest potential. People (in leadership positions or not) can be catalysts in their organizations.
Here are some behaviors to watch for.
When you notice many of these qualities in a team member, you can be confident that they will rise to the occasion during crunch time and elevate their performance to take the team with them.
Encourage those with this potential to step up and become positive influencers on the team. If existing team members need to step up, consider recruiting individuals with the catalyst qualities.
A team's journey to the highest level is incomplete without these exceptional individuals who make things happen.