Is your life moving in circles?
The moment you realise that your life is only moving in circles instead of going forward you need to take a stock of the situation and take suitable actions. Focus on something new the moment you feel comfortable with what is, while in the same time strive to find the common essence of all things you focus on. Do not look for a target before beginning to move, don’t set it before your eyes. Pick something and immerse yourself in it without purpose till there is nothing new about it. The “secret” lies in detachment. Can you focus on anything without attachment? Can you give it your everything without making that something yours? When you achieve this, the circle disappears and the line too.
To stop running in circles means freedom from attachment. Every circle has a center point. For a point (you) to form a circle it has to be attached from the center with a fixed length line. And as it moves, it forms a circle. Find the center of your circle than let go of it. That’s the little I can give without details. Step out of your comfort zone. It is time to get out! If you ever considered yourself always going in circles in your life. Then you’d probably have been living the same thing again and again that you didn’t even realize it was meant to be the same and done repeatedly.
You might used to have a certain enjoyment when once you live in it, but there are moments where you need to stop what you’re doing. And don’t be afraid to start something new. Go on and look for an adventure, see the world. Look for new experience, create a new circle. Surround yourself with new people and socialize more. Having a regular routine schedule of life means you’re organized and there’s nothing wrong with that. But if you do look for a new way of life, change your lifestyle, try to change your habits.
Throw away all the bad stuff in life, and try to see things differently. Who knows, another good thing might be coming your way. The reason we are going in circles is that we all the time we take a left. When keep taking left we will return sooner or later to the same point from where we have started. To break the pattern we have to make a right. We should say a right decision in our lives. That will bring us to the point to meet our purpose our goal. However, anyone can show us the door, but no one will push us through. Any pieces of advice from anyone is points of references, but only us can do the shift, the most necessary change in our lives. We must look deeper for what we need and want to do with this life and stop being afraid of the right.
Normally people go around in circles because they stay within their limits. Write down all the things you can’t do, get, have, earn, etc. Realize that’s all stuff you think. One by one, break through each limit. If one resists, look deeply to see where you acquired that limited idea of yourself. See that it was a reaction, not a logical necessity. They avoid the details. You say you’re going in circles. You didn’t say which circles, so you must think it’s obvious or embarrassing. Neither is true. (You being embarrassed about it is very different from “it” being embarrassing.) Be specific and public about it and you’ll start seeing that there’s more to it.
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When all of your days are passing like same as your others days. you don't see , find , learn , do any unusual or new thing . Then you can definitely say you are going in circles. Many peoples are living fixed schedule in their daily life. Some just don't get a extra tint in their life , which gives them new experience and feeling to be it happy, cheerful, emotional, proud ,enjoyable etc.which makes their life quite stressful. And After What they feel is, hating their jobs! Going in circle are just not limited to adults , it is found in people of every age be it child , teen, adult or old. All have fixed schedule and works which they have to follow everyday . One have to go schools, colleges, office, and do daily works.
No one is free, everyone has some responsibility to follow everyday. One rarely gets any time to do some unusual or new stuffs. That is the major reason of going in circles. Imagine how wonderful the life would be if you have to do/perform different activities on different days . Everyday will feel like new day . How adventurous our life would be. So much experience, feeling and emotions would have involved in our life. But we are tied to perform same activity everyday that is why we go in circles.
Failure. Rerun. Failure. Rerun. It’s like my life keeps running in circles between these poles. As if there is no escape. No tangent path. That I’m meant to keep running between these two points for longer than I want to. Failure humbles a person. Be it academic. Be it corporate. Be it marriage. A part of you dies with each failure. The more you fail, the more you die. Until there is nothing left to take. Until no more damage can be done. Your mental state changes every time you fail. Your motivation to rerun dwindles every time. And yet you run back again, hoping things will change. But they don’t. They never do. And you keep running in circles between failure and reruns.
What’s the solution ? What one can do is creating sources for ourselves to get new experience. Always try to find something good and positive even from the least. Trying to learning , finding something new everyday and I am not saying to go in jungle. Developing good lifestyle , having fun with friends and families, learning new skills , Having good hobbies, helping needy , doing new activities without any great efforts , exercising ,going on vacation when you can and being happy. In short developing Good lifestyle. Cheers!
Telecom Leader | Driving Excellence in Infrastructure and Sales Strategy
3yso true sir
Partner at N.R. Doshi & Partners, Dubai, UAE | Financial Audit and Assurance Services
3yThankYou for sharing! Everyone faces Karma in one way or the other and obstacles are always there to face the reality it might be good for someone it might be bad for others.
Good one Sirji. Inspiring