Your Network is Your Net Worth: The True Value of Connections
Some of the incredible people I met in Berlin

Your Network is Your Net Worth: The True Value of Connections

A month ago, someone told me that my participation in all the programs I've been involved in is worthless because none of them have helped me get where I want to be. I don't see it this way. While it's true that these programs haven't directly brought me investors, I've learned invaluable lessons from the people I've met. My favorite thing about these programs is how rich I become by learning from other cultures.

Back in Berlin, I spent a night learning about marriage traditions in Bangladesh, Mexico, and Venezuela. These are insights I couldn't have gained otherwise. I may not be rich in cash, but I am the richest person in terms of connections with people worldwide.

Entrepreneurship often focuses on financial metrics—revenue, profits, and investment rounds. However, there's an equally important asset that doesn't show up on balance sheets: your network. The diverse perspectives and experiences that people bring into your life are invaluable. They open your mind to new ideas, inspire innovation, and provide support in ways that money can't.

Yes, that's me with President Obama and my friends at YLAI (Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative)

In every program I've participated in, the real education has come from the interactions outside of structured sessions. Conversations over coffee, late-night brainstorming sessions, and impromptu cultural exchanges have enriched my understanding of the world. These experiences have shaped my approach to business and life more profoundly than any textbook or lecture ever could.

Spending time with people from different backgrounds has taught me more about empathy, adaptability, and creativity. For instance, learning about the wedding traditions of Bangladesh, Mexico, and Venezuela in Berlin was not just a cultural lesson but a reminder of the beauty of diversity. Such interactions have helped me build a global network of friends and mentors, each offering unique insights and perspectives.

The true wealth I've gained from these experiences is a network that spans continents. From Berlin to Buenos Aires, from Dhaka to Dubai, my connections are a testament to the power of human relationships. These are people I can turn to for advice, collaboration, and support. They enrich my life and my business in ways that financial capital cannot.

The Detroit YLAI gang

In the entrepreneurial journey, it's easy to get caught up in the chase for funding and financial success. But remember, the people you meet along the way are your most valuable assets. Invest time in building relationships, and you'll find that your network is indeed your net worth.

While I may not be rich in cash, I am the richest person when it comes to having a network of incredible people worldwide. These connections are my true wealth, and they have shaped who I am as an entrepreneur and a human being, also, I have gained a lot of friends.

The gang from the Westerwelle Foundation

So, the next time someone tells you that your efforts are worthless because they haven't brought you money, remember the value of your network. It's an investment that pays dividends in ways far beyond financial gain.



Gwen Ottenberg

Owner at Imagine That Toys Wichita, Kansas


You must always be open to opportunities, and the really awesome ones don’t come from 9-5 interactions

Nicholas James Ross

Founder @ Enablers™ | Investor | Unlocking Business Potential and Empowering Transformative Growth


Well said!

Susan Lisa Cheers

Lister For STAR LA CALA Estate Agency, Costa del Sol, Spain


Life is definitely teaching us that to learn about the diversity of culture and embrace it is worth far more than anything material. The rich tapestry of life.

Connections always make a difference, Marjorie Spitalnik!🙌🏻

Dayana Garcia Barreiro

Escribana enfocada en la innovación tecnológica y la transformación del sector notarial.


Totalmente de acuerdo, lo que aprendí de vos, Veronica Vallejo Marco Moscardi y Rosana Fernández Fernández mis compañeros de Uruguay, de todas las empresas y las personas que la integran Mana Tech no solo me potenció como persona sino que tuvo repercusiones increíbles en la empresa para que tuviera una mejora exponencial. Esos 10 días valieron mucho más de lo que hubiera podido pagar con dinero. Gracias por ser inspiración y líder para muchos

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