Your past is not indicative of where you're headed. You are the master of your fate.
Envision a boat making its way through the water; Moving further and further from sight; Just a tiny object amidst an enormous ocean. It’s journey comprised of endless possibilities, unlimited potential. Its destination could be anywhere in the world.
And while observing this boat, as it glides over the water; nothing is more apparent than the freedom it contains. The beauty is in knowing that it can follow it’s soul into the sunset; if it so desires.
And as you look on, to this phenomenon, you’ll notice that it sheds no light on where the boat has been, nor on what has brought it to this point. You won’t see the wrong turns taken, the mistakes made, nor the obstacles that were overcome to get there.
And with every ripple, of water, you would have a seemly fresh start, where every second of every minute is a new opportunity for the boat to go where it wants to go; to be what it wants to be. Its fate has no impact on its course. This is one of the most beautiful things about being alive.
I talk to so many employees about what is holding them back from moving up or trying to challenge themselves by continuing to learn and advance. Some open up and talk about their past and about the mistakes that have set them back. I listen to so many stories about regret and what they would do if they could go back in time. I get an opportunity to challenge them to not focus so much on the past and more on what they are doing right now in the present to achieve their goals. For some, it is simply to set a small achievable goal, which will set the momentum for going after another.
If education is holding them back, then they can take advantage of their companies learning modules, learning libraries and online resources and excel where they work by learning all they can about their chosen career. Sometimes there is no need to change their job if they can be inspired to grab a hold of a vision and go after a dream.
For some, they just need a push and support from others above them who can mentor and develop skills in them that will help them gain the confidence to keep learning and advancing. Never be afraid to open up and get to know what makes your employees tick. After all, they are the pulse of your organization. If their emotional needs are not met, they will leave. They don't care how much you know until they first know how much you care. So try to make daily deposits into their emotional bank accounts.
So if you've been discouraged by past mistakes and are allowing them to detour you from what you really want out of life. Remember, every single day provides a blank page in your story, for you to fill out, as you see fit.
Old habits, friends, past mistakes, expectations; they exist to whatever capacity you allow them to, but they are not you. They are not indicative of your potential. You are the captain of your ship.
Set Sail.