Is Your Pet Part of Your Estate Plan?
Key Takeaways
More U.S. households today own pets than ever before—a full 70%, up from 56% back in the late 1980s. And more than 23 million households (about one in five) adopted a pet during the pandemic.
If you’re a part of that large group—made up of roughly 90 million families—you probably consider your pet an important member of the family that you love deeply. Example: A study by Consumer Affairs surveyed 1,000 pet owners and found that 57% of participants age 27 to 42 love their furry friends more than their siblings.
But have you considered what could happen to that cherished family member if you were to die suddenly? And have you taken any steps to ensure your beloved dog, cat, horse or other animal will be well taken care of if you’re not around to do the job?
If not, don’t panic—it’s not an issue many of us think about. That said, it’s probably time to make your treasured pet part of your estate plan. Even if your pet is part of your existing plan, it might make sense to review and revisit that document to ensure it’s still aligned with your wishes.
Here are some key steps to take and resources that may help.
Initial steps
The process of pet estate planning generally isn’t arduous, and in many instances it should begin with a few basic steps.
Crafting a plan that works for you
Rather than rely on a simple verbal agreement with a chosen guardian, create a formal, written plan that spells out all the key aspects—from who will be involved to what the care expectations are to how to pay for the care (and caregiver). The reason: Formal plans can be enforced if necessary.
Important: You cannot leave money directly to your pet because animals are property—like a car or dining room table—in the eyes of the law. That leaves you with three main options for safeguarding the care of your pets (see Exhibit 1).
1. Pet care agreement
A pet care agreement is a contract you make with another person who has agreed to care for your pet in case of your death. This type of formal agreement will be enforceable. It should spell out the specific care you want for your pet as well as how any money you have arranged for that care is to be handled (including what happens if there are excess funds after the pet dies).
2. Pet trust
A pet trust is also a legally enforceable arrangement that helps ensure your pet care wishes are honored. As with the pet care agreement, you will need to identify a willing and able pet guardian. But you will also need someone to administer the trust—a trustee. That person may or may not be the pet guardian. A separate trustee can add a layer of protection because he or she can check on the well-being of your pet and ensure that the money allocated to pet care is being used properly.
You can establish a pet trust now or upon your death. Either way, you need to fund the trust for the care of your pet. This often entails coming up with some number to ensure a certain standard of living for your pet. Be sure to consider the costs of possible or likely medical care for your pet, as it can be expensive (especially later in your pet’s life).
The trust will detail the types and level of care as well as how money is to be dispersed from the trust (for your pet and possibly for the pet guardian’s compensation for his or her efforts).
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Warning: Your pet trust must comply with your state’s laws. A description of each state law is available at
3. Will bequest
Your will determines how your assets will be divided and allocated after you die. Because a pet is considered property, as noted above, your will can stipulate who becomes its guardian and the amount of money that will be set aside for its care. Here again, you will need to identify a guardian, provide instructions for care and spell out the monetary arrangements. You can direct your executor about providing money for the care of your pet. Also, you may want to provide funds for the guardian directly. If the guardian is an organization, a donation can be given.
And, as with a pet trust, make sure the pet provisions in your will work in your state. In some states, pet provisions are deemed “honorary.” The court will not necessarily enforce the provisions.
The financial side of your pet’s care
It is often worthwhile—and sometimes essential—to provide the funding for the care of your pet after you’re gone. Thus, you need to calculate the amount needed for the care you prefer for your pet. Some considerations include:
Important: If the pet dies and there’s money remaining—in the pet trust, for example—you’ll want to specify where those funds go. You might set up a trust so the assets pass to the guardian or to an animal welfare organization (or another animal-focused charity).
Make a plan—or review the one you have
You don’t have to be extremely wealthy to do some basic (or even advanced) estate planning that involves your pet. Anyone who sees his or her dog, cat or other animal as a beloved family member should consider taking steps to ensure it will continue to get the love and attention (and treats) it’s become so accustomed to. The alternatives—a shelter or worse—are usually highly unappealing to pet lovers.
Next steps: If you’re interested in making arrangements to have your pet taken care of after you’re gone, talk with your financial advisor about the best ways to accomplish that goal. Or if it’s been a few years since you last revisited your existing pet estate plan, give it a review to ensure it still meets your needs.
VFO Inner Circle Special Report
By John J. Bowen Jr.
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1yThis is something people often overlook so thank you for highlighting it. I haven't thought about it and I work in the pet industry. I guess we don't want to think about the worst but we have a responsibility to. Thanks for the article 🐈