Your Power to UPLIFT
It’s the Spring of 2021, and for many, it has been a year of challenges to our personal, family and working lives. All of us have had stress and anxiety coping with these challenges, and frankly, after a year of trying to be positive and be brave, it is tiring, and it is still stressful.
The stress has been sustained for so long; it is now chronic. For some, it is too much to handle. We need to find ways to destress, to stay positive. But how? When my staff asked me for a “word of the year” for 2021, I immediately thought of the word “uplift.” “Uplift” is defined as “improving the spiritual, social, or intellectual condition; to raise the level of; improve or to lift to a higher position.”
I chose the word “UPLIFT” because it has a positive and energizing feel to it that reflects the hope that I have as we move forward towards a post COVID era. The word also serves to guide and support me.
In 2021, business owners need to uplift their employees. As leaders, we have the power to UPLIFT our staff. Our choice of words and tone of voice can encourage them to try new skills and gain confidence. Turn those choice words into negative, belittling tones, and you can derail their progress and their confidence. It can be a delicate balance but imagine what we can do in helping build our Teams, build our staff abilities and capabilities if we choose to support and UPLIFT others.
Given what we have been through in 2020, those businesses that foster a caring employee experience will thrive in 2021. Those who have little regard for their employees will find staff searching for better jobs where they are valued and respected. According to a Hays Report (2021), 50% of employees consider leaving employers due to a significant disconnect. What does this mean? Employers who have shown a lack of caring for an Employee will feel undervalued and feel no loyalty or desire to stay. They will leave as soon as they can post COVID. Can you manage your business post-COVID if even 25% of your employees quit? So UPLIFTING others can make a difference.
I teach about using the Connect with REVUP™ principles* to help Leaders build their teams. REVUP stands for Respect, Equality, Valued, Uniqueness and Potential and is the foundation used by People Bright to create confident leaders and build strong teams. When you look at the Uniqueness of an individual and tap into their potential, you will be UPLIFTING them.
Whether you are a Business Owner or the Leader of your Team, you have the power to lead a team positively. Three things you could do to help UPLIFT your Team are:
1. Get to know your staff
Learn how their personal life is impacting the ability to do their work. Understanding that and working with them to accommodate to get the work done will let them know you care.
2. Give praise and gratitude
When staff have done a good job, when you get praise from clients, colleagues, pass it on. Let them know what you think, what others have shared. It’s a great boost to their confidence. And note, we never give enough praise. We get too busy or forget, so remember to do this.
3. Check-in with them
Spend time talking to staff regularly. For many who are working remotely, interactions are reduced. Make sure you put the extra effort into check-in. In these cases, it may mean setting up times to ensure you connect. Check-ins can be informal at the beginning or end of a meeting, or they can be more formal. The formal ones are where you talk about their goals and aspirations or get a progress report. Learn to understand the Uniqueness and Potential that the staff member can contribute to the company. Staff who feel challenged and find meaningful work are more likely to be engaged and loyal.
As Leaders and Business Owners, you can choose to belittle others or UPLIFT others. You have the power. I challenge you to choose UPLIFT. It will make a difference to those who are under your guidance and support. We all need more kindness, more support from each other through these COVID times.
In 2021, I plan to UPLIFT others, whether they are my team, clients, family, colleagues, or other business owners. You, too, have the power to UPLIFT your Teams. Just as you have the power to belittle, degrade and disempower them. Which do you choose to do when working with your Team?
I choose UPLIFT and make that my Word of the Year for 2021. It reminds me daily what I can do to help others manage the stresses of 2021.
Join me in helping UPLIFT others. Create an environment at work where employees will feel Respected, treated with Equality, Valued for who they are, seen for their Uniqueness and Potential. Those who do will find that their employees will want to stay post-COVID.
*REVUP and the Connect with REVUP™ was created by Hilda Gan, Founder and Chief People Officer of People Bright Consulting.
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3yImportant content - thank you!