Your September Briefing: It’s time to invest in #CleanAirNow
Air pollution knows no boundaries. Here's everything you need to know about this global health crisis, plus more from UNEP
In depth
International Day of Clean Air for blue skies
By working together across borders, sectors, and disciplines, lives and livelihoods can be saved and improved through collective investments of time, effort and resources.
This year's International Day of Clean Air for blue skies, observed on 7 September, calls on everyone, everywhere to Invest in #CleanAirNow.
UNEP at the UN General Assembly
The 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, taking place this month, is a watershed moment to focus on the role of international cooperation for people and the planet. UNEP’s participation will include events on plastic and air pollution, the One Health approach to antimicrobial resistance, looking ahead to COP16 on biodiversity, sustainable consumption and more.
Whether it's phasing out unsafe leaded fuel or committing to protect life-sustaining biodiversity, ahead of September's Summit of the Future, here are key examples of when countries have come together to solve environmental challenges.
Calling scientists working on the triple planetary crisis
UNEP is seeking external reviewers to provide feedback as part of the Global Environment Outlook 7 process. Apply by 30 September here: application portal.
By the numbers
Worth a watch
Limiting temperature rise to 1.5 °C is possible if ambitious steps are taken. This video explains the role of carbon markets and the related Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
Take action
Beyond an age of waste - Turning rubbish into a resource: New guidance on how young people can play an active role in addressing the global waste problem.
Mid-term Status on SDG 6 Indicators: The report reveals that the current rate of progress on clean water and sanitation is slow, with half of the world’s countries having degraded freshwater systems.
Reading list
Mark your calendars
20 September: World Cleanup Day
22-23 September: United Nations Summit of the Future
23-25 September: NDCs 3.0 Regional Forum for Middle East and North Africa
25 September: UN General Assembly High-level Meeting on Sea Level Rise
Seen online
If protecting and restoring the planet were a Paralympic game, who would take gold? With the Paralympics underway, swipe through to see some of the winning species, ecosystems, and critical issues.
Work with us
Today's global environmental challenges can be overcome, but only with the best and the brightest on our team. Check out job vacancies, consultancy opportunities and more.
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Individual and family services
3mogreat opportunity
4moFloods storms droughts should wait until 2030- 2040- 2050 or 2060 ? For I.e. the plan of different countries ! We are busy in wars for Oil since 1990 or Oil in war Machines 2024.
Make ruzzia Muskovia again! Stop the Genocide of Ukrainians performed (again!) by "russians"-Moscowites. Moscowites need to wake up the same way Ukrainians do Every Day! They will not stop until they are stopped! They will continue performing GENOCIDES, ECOCIDES and LINGVOCIDES...#makerussiaMuskoviaagain
4moELOY M.