Your Superpower: Being Vulnerable
Intuitively we don't like being vulnerable. If we obtain enough facts and apply enough time, we might get to a point where we're okay sharing more about ourselves –– or maybe being more open about a topic.
Yet, we also seek insights and inspiration. We're human. It's in our DNA. We want to grow, improve, learn and become better.
History and personal experience tells me that the key to being successful with growth, improvements, learning and becoming a better You (and me), is being vulnerable. It's sometimes uncomfortable, but allowing yourself to be vulnerable is actually one of your superpowers, and mine too. But only you and I can enable it in ourselves. A few low-hanging fruit options for turning on your superpower include:
• Allow for it. Seems obvious, right? Seek inspiration. Don't settle. Savor inspiration when you find it. Pause. Embrace it. Inspiration can come from anywhere. Be open to it. When you see (or hear it), allow yourself to draw it in, if only briefly. Make notes, jot it down, send yourself a reminder about it. Opportunities for inspiration can include podcasts, books, webinars, networking, religious meetings and neighborhood, to name a few. Take the leap, download the podcast, read the book, attend the webinar. Tune in. Turn it on.
• Go Outside (of yourself). Insights and expertise outside of your traditional areas may directly benefit you too. It's often easy to dismiss others, and we've all done it at some time; perhaps not overtly or intentionally. Allow yourself to intentionally listen more to others outside of your circle of influence. Listen to those unlike yourself. These can include teachers, bosses, neighbors, clients, partners, referral sources and former versions of all the above (people from your past). Even the guy in front of you in line at Kroger. Go ahead.
• No structure needed. Keep it simple. Be a sponge. Learn wherever the "fruit is hanging". Try it. If it's not for you, that's fine. Move on, but stay open. Your superpower will bloom as you do. Watch yourself grow literally day by day –– professionally and personally. How cool is that?
• Know yourself. Know your values, your boundaries; use these to embrace or filter. Inspiration is about building a better you, and not tearing you down. You're worth it: be you and use your superpower to grow and inspire others to do the same.
• Stay humble. Stay grateful. Curate a stewards' heart. Intentionally inspire others. A Superpower doesn't get much better than that for us humans.
Opinions are my own. Follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter (@MarkStephenWare).
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