Your wish list with reversible USB data cable
Q: What kind of USB data cable in your bag when you travel now?
A: Of course it is reversible one from USB data cable supplier China.
Q: Why you want to put this reversible USB data cable in your wish list now?
Q: First of all, we should figure out the question for the definition of reversible and you can tell us more details about what exactly is meant by "reversible"? Does this mean that the micro USB end is a Type C? If so, will it still work with the Type B of the OnePlus when we buy them from reversible USB connector wholesale in China?
A: Okay, reversible means the larger type A socket can be plug in either up or down side. We will finally have type c cables later.
Q: Okay, I see. Getting it more maybe.
A: I believe you would like to put it in your wish list next time when you go shopping for the USB data cable next time.
Q: Remembering to have a visit to 2 in 1 charging cable supplier China too by the way.