➡️ Check out this first of its kind low-carbon retrofit in Luxembourg! What you need to know: 🏢 PAILLE -TECH SCRL developed 12-meter-high facade walls, equivalent to 3 stories ♻️ The prefabricated elements are made of solid wood for their structure, compressed straw for insulation, and clay for the interior finish 🏗️ To install these wall sections, Paille-Tech collaborated with the general contractor DZ Construct to develop a new lifting system 🏆 The concrete skeleton of the future office building was covered with its protective envelope in 8 days, a record for a building of this size. "We are proud that our small company was able to take on this challenge," Julien Lefrancq, Paille-Tech. Find out more on our news page: https://lnkd.in/e7U-C-EE #FromCropToConstruction #Retrofit #LowCarbon Cluster Eco-construction asbl Circular Wallonia
Circular Reno
Services for Renewable Energy
Developing biobased & recycled/reused material solutions for retrofit.
About us
Circular Reno aims to switch to a more circular, place-based economy for the building components used in deep energy retrofit packages. It aims to use regionally-produced, biobased materials (instead of non-local fossil-based), to store carbon in every building that is retrofitted, and to lower the costs, making them more attractive for roll out. It offers the agricultural and building sectors the opportunity to transition to more sustainable, place-based and circular business models. The Circular Reno project has fifteen partners from five countries: - Building Balance (NL) - Airpacks Ltd (IE) - Cluster Eco-construction (BE) - DENA (DE) - Global Energiesprong Alliance (NL) - Greenflex (FR) - Housing Foundation Wonion (NL) - Kore Retrofit Ltd (IE) - LEG (DE) - Miscanell (NL) - Neo-Eco (FR) - Rc Panels Ltd (NL) - Ressorts (FR) - Société de Constructions Ecologique (SCE) (FR) - Tuath (IE) - University of Bonn (DE) - Vilogia (FR)
- Website
External link for Circular Reno
- Industry
- Services for Renewable Energy
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
♻️ Our friends at Energiesprong DE enjoyed diving deep into circular retrofit yesterday with Berlin Recycling! Discover their collective insights below - from the suitability of non-residential buildings to the need for digitalisation. 👇
#Energiesprong on Tour: Gestern exklusive Einblicke in die Mall of Berlin Recycling ♻️ – und das Fazit? Nachhaltig beeindruckend! Was hat sich bewährt? Wo gibt es Optimierungspotenzial? Wie müssen die Weichen gestellt werden, damit serielle und kreislaufgerechte Sanierungslösungen den Sprung in den Breitenmarkt schaffen? Unter der kompetenten Moderation von Nico Gorsler (Teamleiter im Kompetenzzentrum Serielles Sanieren/ Energiesprong DE / Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)) zogen die Projektbeteiligten ihr persönliches Fazit: 🔹 Aufgrund der zumeist einfachen Kubatur sind Nichtwohngebäude wie die Mall of BR optimal für eine serielle Sanierung geeignet. 🔹 Zirkularität ist beim seriellen Sanieren zwar kein Muss, perspektivisch jedoch ein großes Plus: Nach zirkulären Prinzipien geplante Fassadenmodule können am Ende ihres Lebenszyklus zu Materialdepots werden – und damit viel CO2, Energie und Ressourcen einsparen. 🔹 Als größter Bauherr in Deutschland hat die öffentliche Hand eine besondere Verantwortung und Vorbildfunktion. Deshalb sollte sie beim Einsatz von Rezyklaten, nachhaltig hergestellten Produkten und innovativen Sanierungsansätzen mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen. 🔹 Damit Weiternutzung und Wiederverwendung zum neuen Normal werden, sollte der Kostennachteil von Rezyklaten, nachhaltig hergestellten Produkten und innovativen Sanierungsansätzen durch Steuervergünstigungen ausgeglichen werden. 🔹 Mit weniger bürokratischen Hemmnissen und vereinfachten Genehmigungsverfahren ließe sich beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit deutlich mehr erreichen. 🔹 Die konsequente Digitalisierung der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette ist der Schlüssel zu kostensenkenden Skalierungseffekten. 🙏 Ein riesengroßes Dankeschön an unsere Serienhelden Jörn Klingenberg (Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragter Berlin Recycling GmbH) | Katharina Matz (Projektbeauftragte Berlin Recycling), Pierre Salo (Projektverantwortlicher Berlin Recycling) | Carsten Oschietzky (Partner Berlin/Brandenburg der Vollack Gruppe) | Maximilian Schröder (Geschäftsführer MAX Holzbau) sowie Gabriele Church (Geschäftsführerin die arbeitsweltstrategen - design2sense GmbH), die uns mit ihrem fundierten Fachwissen und interessanten Hintergrundinformationen begeistert haben! Bilder: dena | Claudius Pflug
🏗️ From 2023 to 2050, nearly 40 billion tonnes of materials could be required for retrofits, finds new World Economic Forum research. That's why embedding #circularity into #retrofit is so vital to achieving global #NetZero goals. This new paper outlines the: ➡️ potential market for recirculating extracted materials for retrofits ➡️ global uptake of circular retrofits ➡️ transition to circular value chain, including design and specifications and financial mechanisms. Great to see a mention of the #Energiesprong approach in the report, as one way to support the finance of circular retrofits. Download the report via the link below, and let us know what you think in the comments! Energiesprong Global Alliance Kirsten Henson Jörgen Sandström #EnergyEfficiency #Circular #CircularEconomy
♻️ How can circular construction be used to support sustainable retrofit? Check out Energiesprong DE's new video which showcases exciting practical examples! #CircularEconomy #CircularReno #DeepEnergyRetrofits
🌍🎬 Re-Use-Bauteile als Chance gegen den CO₂-Ausstoß in der Bauwirtschaft Etwa 40 % des gesamten CO₂-Aufkommens entstehen in der Baubranche. Kreislaufgerechte Bauteile bieten enormes Potenzial, diesem Trend entgegenzuwirken und die Bauwirtschaft nachhaltiger zu gestalten. In unserem Film "Zirkularität in Serie: Impulse für kreislaufgerechte Sanierungslösungen" beleuchten wir, wie zirkuläres Bauen auch im seriellen Sanierung Anwendung finden kann und zeigen spannende Praxisbeispiele. 🔄 Wie zum Beispiel das Mining Hub von Concular: Es ermöglicht, gebrauchte Bauteile effizient zu vermitteln und wieder nutzbar zu machen. Nur durch innovative Ansätze wie diese könne dem Klimawandel entegegengewirkt werden, so Co-Founder Dominik Campanella. Wie genau das funktioniert und welchen Beitrag es zur Kreislaufwirtschaft leisten kann, erfahren Sie im Video: https://lnkd.in/ehcMmH9G. 🎬 Erfahren mehr zur Nachhaltigkeit im seriellen Sanieren unter: https://lnkd.in/ekxHY6Gv #CircularEconomy #Klimawandel #SerielleSanierung #Energiesprong #Bauwirtschaft Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)
🎄 A huge thank you to all of our partners, funders and teams across Europe who have collaborated with us this year to advance biobased, local material solutions for building retrofits! The image below features a sneak peek of Energiesprong Global Alliance's new key visual, customised to wish you all restful festive break. We're offline until 6 Jan. See you in 2025! #DeepEnergyRetrofits #CropToConstruction #CircularReno #BiobasedRetrofit #SustainableBuilding #Energiesprong #InterregNWE Tuath Housing Association | KORE Retrofit | Wonion | Building Balance | Ressorts | Cluster Eco-construction asbl| Miscancell | Rc Panels | Neo-Eco | Vilogia | German Energy Agency (dena) | University of Bonn | GreenFlex | Société de Constructions Ecologiques | GreenFlex | Interreg North-West Europe (NWE)
➡️ How is #CircularReno piloting deep retrofit and testing bio-based materials in Ireland? Discover what we're up to with partners KORE Retrofit and Tuath Housing Association in this Irish Construction News/Constructionnews.ie piece, alongside an in-depth case study into the Energiesprong pilot homes in the UK 👇 Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Energiesprong Global Alliance Energiesprong UK #CropToConstruction #DeepEnergyRetrofits #Energiesprong
Don't miss out on the latest updates from Energiesprong Global Alliance - including the insights into our work to advance biobased, local material solutions for building retrofits♻️🌾🏡
📢 As 2024 draws to a close, discover insights and highlights from our last 6 months - from circular solutions for retrofit to inspiring innovations - as well as a glimpse into 2025. ✨ Our latest newsletter dives deep into our activities, awards and adventures - including the exciting efforts of our teams in France, Germany, Italy and the UK. Click the link in the comments to find out how we've been progressing home energy refurbishment, including: 🆕 Joining two new exciting European projects, LIFE Reno Tides (tackling the challenges of rising material costs and interest rates) and INTERSTORES (bring two Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage concepts to life). 🌾 Advancing biobased, local material solutions for building retrofits through Circular Reno, including exploring how we set up value chains. 💳 Creating a collective buying scheme of heat pumps at district level with LIFE Street HP Reno, exploring the tools and support that will be needed to make these a reality. 🤝 Increasing collaboration between #SMEs to boost the deep energy retrofit industry via LIFE Cosme Reno, creating tools, building capacity and solving financial barriers. PLUS, highlights from our European teams: 🔟 EnergieSprong FR's sharing 10 Commandments of Collective Renovation Purchasing 📈 Energiesprong IT's leaping to 28,000 homes ♻️ Energiesprong DE's new video showcases innovations for circular and sustainable retrofits 💡 Energiesprong UK's taking a systemic approach to scaling retrofit. Don't miss out! 👇 Photo: Energiesprong Convention Berlin, credit: Claudius Pflug Sanne de Wit Ian Hutchcroft Sebastien Delpont Uwe Bigalke Thomas Miorin #LIFEprogramme #CollaborationModels #DeepEnergyRetrofit #LIFECosmeReno #RenoTides
Save the date! 🗓️ On Tuesday, November 26, Ressorts will host an engaging online webinar, diving into the topics of collective dynamics and circularity alongside industry experts. 🌍♻️ The focus of this webinar will be on making renovation processes more efficient. A key highlight will be the lessons learned from the #CircularReno project and other innovative initiatives led by our French partner. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and join the conversation! 💡🤝 #Interreg #CircularEconomy #Webinar Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) | EnergieSprong FR | Energiesprong Global Alliance
📣 À vos agendas : L’inscription pour le prochain webinaire Energiesprong | Ressorts est ouverte ! 🎡 La semaine prochaine on sera accompagné d'un panel d'experts.es brillantissimes pour parler dynamique collective et circularité. Inutile de dire que c'est un rendez-vous à ne pas manquer ✨ Emma DESETTE, Maria Finders, Simon Deom, Anna MOALIC, Fabien Lasserre, Hélène Kergoat, Olivier Variot, Pierre-Antoine DUFFRENE. LUMA Arles, Vilogia, URH Hauts-de-France, Groupe Caisse des Dépôts, Banque des Territoires, Société de Constructions Ecologiques, HORS SITE Conseil
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From #CroptoConstruction: Circular Reno is developing biobased, local material solutions for retrofits. Why and how? Find out in this video! ▶️ With 15 partners from Belgium, Germany, France, Ireland, and The Netherlands collaborating, the project aims to to transition to a more circular, place-based economy for the building components used in #DeepEnergyRetrofits. Our mission? To use regionally produced biobased materials instead of non-local fossil materials. This will help store CO2 in retrofitted buildings, while reducing costs through local economies. Providing opportunities for the agricultural and construction sectors to shift towards more sustainable business models. 🚀 🌿 Watch the full video on our website: https://lnkd.in/e7U-C-EE 🤝 Circular Reno partners: Tuath Housing Association | KORE Retrofit | Wonion | Building Balance | Ressorts | Cluster Eco-construction asbl | Miscancell | Rc Panels | Neo-Eco | Vilogia | Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) | University of Bonn | GreenFlex | SOCIETE DE CONSTRUCTIONS ECOLOGIQUES | GreenFlex Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Energiesprong Global Alliance
Exciting news! 🎉 The Circular Reno project has been shortlisted for a Social Impact Award at the recent Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) conference! 🌍🏡 The ICSH Social Impact Challenge 2024 recognizes outstanding projects making a real difference in housing and communities across Ireland. Yesterday, our partner Tuath Housing Association took the stage to pitch Circular Reno, and we’re thrilled to be shortlisted for this prestigious award! 🏅 Want to know more about the awards and the other inspiring projects? Check it out here 👉 https://lnkd.in/eVitpBW2 #CircularReno #BiobasedBuilding #SocialHousing Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Energiesprong Global Alliance
We are delighted that Tuath was shortlisted for the Irish Council for Social Housing Social Impact Challenge 2024 for the Circular Reno project. Today, staff from our Sustainability and Property Services teams pitched the project at the ICSH Finance and Development Conference.