Repairs and maintenance spend by housing associations has increased by 14.3% for April 2023-March 2024 compared to the previous year - a “record” spend on existing stock. How can housing associations and local authorities combat this existing and ever-growing challenge? We need data and technology solutions to aid the improvement of our existing housing stock. If you have the solutions needed, then join us in November for Housing Week London. We will be launching our brand-new Innovation Summit to unite all housing technology leaders under one roof and bring housing tech to the forefront. Meet with over 4,500 attendees including housing associations, local authorities, councils, developers, housebuilders and contractors all in need of the solutions you provide. To join us in London from 26-27th November, get in touch with the team today here: #UKhousing #Housing #AffordableHousing #AssetManagement #Repairs #Maintenance #HousingAssociations #HousingFinance Flutura Dunisha Sasha Hughes Harley Taylor Tom Foreman Emmanuel Tiamiyu
According to the the Regulator of Social Housing’s Global Accounts, housing associations spent £8.8bn on repairs and maintenance between April 2023 and March 2024, a 14.3% increase on last year’s figure. Jenny Messenger reports, with comment from Will Perry #UKhousing #Housing #SocialHousing #AssetManagement #Repairs #Maintenance #HousingAssociations #HousingFinance