Jay Berger, PT

Jay Berger, PT

Pelvic Health, Neuro, and Pulm specialist, Telehealth Consultant and co-founder, Virtual Kare

View articles by Jay Berger, PT

Helping Clients Explain the Energy Costs of Chronic Illness to Loved Ones

Helping Clients Explain the Energy Costs of…

January 4, 2020

2 likes4 comments

Physical Therapy telehealth can be done successfully in the right hands

Physical Therapy telehealth can be done…

December 1, 2019

9 likes4 comments

Can you say Vestibular System

Can you say Vestibular System

October 21, 2018


Cellular Stress and Alzheimer's Disease

Cellular Stress and Alzheimer's Disease

September 29, 2018

1 like

Matching patients with chronic illnesses to medical and wellness practitioners.

Matching patients with chronic illnesses to…

September 29, 2018

