View articles by Michael Vrontamitis

Why are there still so few bridges? And no cars on the bridges that have been built?

Why are there still so few bridges? And no…

November 13, 2023

19 likes1 comment

Supply Chain Finance – Reputation in tatters?  Deserved or just deflection?

Supply Chain Finance – Reputation in…

March 10, 2021

286 likes48 comments

Connecting Digital Islands to Transform International Trade

Connecting Digital Islands to Transform…

October 21, 2018

70 likes1 comment

Sustainable supply chains

Sustainable supply chains

February 9, 2018

47 likes2 comments

Responsible supply chains: Time for action

Responsible supply chains: Time for action

September 26, 2017

90 likes5 comments

Recasting internal relationships: silo or stakeholder? #trade

Recasting internal relationships: silo or…

May 25, 2016

20 likes2 comments

Chain reaction. #Supplychain finance meets supply chain management. Powering #trade.

Chain reaction. #Supplychain finance meets…

March 31, 2016

26 likes3 comments

Supply Chain Financing Powering the Rise of South-South #Trade

Supply Chain Financing Powering the Rise of…

December 21, 2015

62 likes4 comments

On the Home Straight to 2020

On the Home Straight to 2020

November 15, 2015


BPO: Time for the industry to commit

BPO: Time for the industry to commit

April 19, 2015

37 likes9 comments

Short-term pain, but outlook is positive as Trade becomes increasingly ‘unbundled’

Short-term pain, but outlook is positive as…

April 1, 2015

64 likes7 comments
