Godrej Valumatic mix value counting machine designed to keep count of your currency notes with ease and accuracy. Engineered with a double-sided image processing technology, Godrej Valumatic currency counting machine authenticates currency, differentiates between denominations, counts them and calculates the total value. It features a TFT color LCD and a user-friendly interface for simplified operations while increasing the overall efficiency of your business. New Valuematic Multi-Currency Counting and Fake Detection with Mix Valuation Counting Machine. Valuematic machine can do 10 country currency counting at a time and can do different single country currency counting. गोदरेज वैलुमैटिक एक मुद्रा गिनती मशीन है जिसे आसानी और सटीकता के साथ आपके मुद्रा नोटों की गिनती रखने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। दो तरफा इमेज प्रोसेसिंग तकनीक से निर्मित, गोदरेज वैलुमैटिक मुद्रा गिनती मशीन मुद्रा को प्रमाणित करती है, मूल्यवर्ग के बीच अंतर करती है, उन्हें गिनती है और कुल मूल्य की गणना करती है। इसमें आपक...
SANUSHAA is one of the fast growing company and on behalf of Godrej to share with you the various domains of godrej security solutions / godrej interio / godrej defender aurum safe and godrej defender prime safe. also godrej matrix locker, home lockers, cctv, godrej doorbell, godrej alarm, godrej centiguard locker, video door phone system is provided by us. we are also proving jubilant jivanjor adhesive products, currency counting machine, gold testing machine and platform trolley, pot stands