Cutting emissions
Tackling climate change requires a major reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. This itself requires new laws, policies and practices to facilitate the reduction of emissions, particularly in the sectors of energy, transport, industry and agriculture.
Policy evaluation
Robust and coherent policies are vital to tackling climate change and other environmental challenges.
Climate change laws and litigation
Climate change laws and policies govern action by setting its legal basis, while cases are being brought to court that involve material issues of climate change science, policy or law.
UK emissions policy
This topic examines efforts to engage UK decision-makers on policy issues related to climate change and the environment, with a major focus on delivering the UK’s net zero targets.
Policy measures and technological advances that reduce CO2 emissions from energy generation and use are critical to efforts to tackle climate change.
Behavioural responses
Understanding how people make decisions and behave with respect to environmental challenges can play an important role in shaping how we respond to them.