Most companies never realize the potential of their built-in
That's where
Mach49 comes in.
We help ambitious companies unlock new disruptive growth through Venture Building and Venture Investing.
Average M49ers’ work experience
21.5 years
Average M49er’s time as CxO
9.82 years
Number of startups a typical M49er has founded
Startups founded collectively by M49 – and running
Venture acquisitions / IPOs collectively by M49ers
145 exits
Total funding raised by M49ers for their startups
Share of Fortune 500 M49ers have worked with
292 / 500
M49ers have collectively mentored / supported / advised
1.2k+ startups
Number of VC / Accelerator Funds collectively mentored by M49ers
624 funds
Where we’ve lived and worked
125 countries
Found a role at M49 through a referral
32% of M49