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Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom Paddo Grow Kit (Medium 1200CC)

(69 avis client)


Livraison à domicile rapide et discrète et toujours avec suivi et traçabilité

Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom Grow Kit

Le Professeur d’Or est un champignon magique carnivore coriace avec des couvercles dorés, lui donnant un voyage magique et mystérieux fort. Cette puissante variété Golden Teacher a tendance à avoir un premier lot plus petit, mais le deuxième lot est généralement beaucoup plus grand. Le Maître d’Or a toujours quelque chose à vous apprendre.

Disponible en petits, moyens et grands paquets.



Kit de culture de champignons magiques Professeur d’or Paddo (Medium, 1200 cc)

Le professeur d’or vous enseigne différentes dimensions et atmosphères supérieures. Il vous emmène dans un lieu de sagesse et de spiritualité.

Ce champignon doré vous montre comment voyager. C’est une expérience de voyage forte. Le champignon est énorme. Les champignons ont des chapeaux qui ont un diamètre de 2 pouces.

Le kit de culture est déjà colonisé à 100%. Le kit de culture tout-en-un contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour cultiver le vôtre. Il suffit d’ajouter de l’eau et de suivre les instructions, et les champignons germeront! Le kit de culture tout-en-un contient le kit de culture, un sac de culture avec filtres à air et deux trombones.

Kits de culture fraîchement emballés.

Tous nos kits de culture de champignons sont récemment emballés et il est préférable de les cultiver dès que vous les accueillez dans un environnement propre. Sans ouverture, vous pouvez conserver le kit de culture dans votre réfrigérateur pendant environ trois mois. En dehors du réfrigérateur, le kit a une durée de conservation limitée. Il est s’il vous plaît maintenir un environnement strictement stérile et propre pour éviter la contamination.

Nous ne remboursons pas les kits de culture de champignons en raison de leur courte durée de vie, et leur nature vulnérable peut être influencée par des facteurs environnementaux. Vous devez toujours traiter votre kit de culture de champignons magiques dans un environnement propre et stérile.

Excellente tension pour les utilisateurs expérimentés! Profitez de la culture de vos champignons magiques!

Cliquez sur les instructions du kit de culture

Growkits Instructions

Avec le kit de culture tout-en-un, vous pouvez cultiver vos propres champignons magiques. 
Vous trouverez ci-dessous des instructions pour cultiver vos propres champignons magiques en 8 étapes faciles.*

Comment grandir

Comment faire pousser des champignons magiques?

Cultiver vos propres champignons psychédéliques n’a jamais été aussi facile ! Ce kit de culture de champignons magiques comprend un substrat complètement colonisé, un sac de culture et des trombones – c’est tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour cultiver vos propres champignons magiques à la maison.

Microdose Bros Présente : L’art enchanté de cultiver des champignons magiques (Psilocybin Cubensis) avec des kits de culture

Étape 1 : Préparez un espace de travail stérile

Action : Désinfectez toutes les surfaces, lavez-vous soigneusement les mains jusqu’aux coudes et portez des gants stériles. Assurez-vous que la pièce est propre et exempte de poussière pour protéger le mycélium de la contamination.

Explication : La propreté est essentielle pour éviter la contamination par des bactéries ou des moisissures, ce qui pourrait ruiner la croissance.

Étape 2 : Faites tremper le kit (choc thermique)

Action : Retirez délicatement le couvercle du kit de culture, remplissez le kit avec de l’eau froide propre (distillée ou préalablement bouillie). Une fois le kit rempli d’eau, fermez le couvercle et placez-le au réfrigérateur pendant 12 à 24 heures. Après le trempage, retirez le couvercle et égouttez l’excès d’eau. Ce “choc thermique” aide à stimuler les champignons pour commencer à former des pinces (petites croissances de champignons).

Explication : Faire tremper imite le cycle naturel de la pluie, réhydratant le mycélium et l’encourageant à fructifier.

Étape 3 : Créez un environnement humide

Action : Placez le kit de culture à l’intérieur du sac de culture fourni avec le kit. Prenez un flacon pulvérisateur rempli d’eau propre et pulvérisez les parois internes du sac. Repliez l’extrémité du sac en veillant à ce qu’il reste suffisamment d’air à l’intérieur, puis fermez-le à l’aide des trombones fournis. N’ouvrez le sac que lorsque les parois sont sèches et pulvérisez-les à nouveau brièvement.

Explication : Les champignons nécessitent une humidité élevée pour prospérer, car cela imite leur environnement naturel. Trop peu d’humidité les fera sécher, tandis que trop d’humidité peut provoquer des moisissures.

Étape 4 : Contrôlez la température et la lumière

Action : Maintenez la température entre 22 et 26 °C. Si vous utilisez un tapis chauffant, assurez-vous qu’il n’y ait pas de contact direct entre le kit et le tapis. Placez le kit dans un endroit où il reçoit 12 heures de lumière indirecte par jour. Un cycle naturel de lumière du jour est idéal.

Explication : Psilocybe cubensis pousse mieux à des températures chaudes et stables avec une lumière indirecte.

Étape 5 : Surveillez la croissance

Action : Dans les 1 à 3 semaines, de petites pinces de champignons (champignons bébés) commenceront à se former. Une fois que les champignons commencent à émerger, ils croîtront rapidement. Gardez un œil attentif sur eux, car ils mûriront en quelques jours.

Explication : C’est à ce moment-là que vous surveillez le mycélium pour un développement sain. Un mycélium sain doit apparaître d’un blanc éclatant et se répartir uniformément sur le substrat. Soyez attentif aux petites bosses blanches ou brunes (pinces) comme signe précoce de la formation de champignons.

Étape 6 : Récoltez la première récolte

Action : Pour récolter les champignons, utilisez un couteau stérile et aiguisé pour couper les tiges des champignons à la base, en enlevant toutes les parties de la tige du substrat.

Explication : Les champignons sont prêts à être récoltés lorsque le voile sous les chapeaux commence à devenir translucide et commence à se déchirer. La partie coupée de la tige deviendra bleue, ce qui est une oxydation et un signe de champignons sains ! Il est important de ne laisser aucun morceau de tige dans le substrat, car cela peut pourrir et provoquer une contamination.

Avertissement : En alternative, vous pouvez doucement bouger et tourner les champignons pour les retirer du substrat. Cependant, soyez conscient que cette méthode peut perturber le mycélium et potentiellement réduire les futures récoltes en endommageant le substrat.

Étape 7 : Trempez pour la deuxième, troisième ou quatrième récolte

Action : Après avoir récolté la première récolte, vous pouvez répéter les étapes 1 à 6 pour obtenir jusqu’à 2-4 récoltes.

Explication : Réhydrater le mycélium après la première récolte l’aide à produire plus de champignons. Finalement, les nutriments dans le substrat s’épuiseront et la croissance s’arrêtera, mais la réhydratation permet plusieurs récoltes avant que cela ne se produise.

Étape 8 : Profitez

Félicitations pour avoir réussi à cultiver vos champignons magiques !
Nous espérons que vous avez apprécié votre kit de culture Microdose Bros.
Nous aimerions avoir de vos nouvelles – envisagez de laisser un avis pour nous aider à améliorer nos services et à atteindre plus de personnes.
Si vous cherchez à sécher vos champignons, consultez notre guide de séchage !


Tous nos kits de culture de champignons sont récemment emballés et il est préférable de les cultiver dès que vous les accueillez dans un environnement propre. Sans ouverture, vous pouvez conserver le kit de culture dans votre réfrigérateur pendant environ trois mois. En dehors du réfrigérateur, le kit a une durée de conservation limitée. Il est s’il vous plaît maintenir un environnement strictement stérile et propre pour éviter la contamination Acheter -Professeur d’or.

Nous ne remboursons pas les kits de culture de champignons en raison de leur courte durée de vie, et leur nature vulnérable peut être influencée par des facteurs environnementaux. Vous devez toujours traiter votre kit de culture de champignons magiques dans un environnement propre et stérile.


100% mycélium, vermiculite,
sac de croissance en perlite avec filtres à air et 2 trombones.

Avertissement sur le produit

* N’utilisez pas de champignons si vous êtes de mauvaise humeur, dépressif, psychotique ou mentalement biaisé. Les champignons ne conviennent pas aux enfants de moins de 18 ans ou aux femmes enceintes, et il n’est pas sage de conduire ou d’utiliser de la machinerie lourde sous l’influence des champignons Acheter -Professeur d’or.

* Les champignons ne doivent jamais être consommés en combinaison avec de l’alcool ou d’autres drogues (prescrites ou illégales). Commencez par une petite dose et assurez-vous d’être à l’aise avec votre entreprise et votre environnement Acheter -Professeur d’or.

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Category: GrowKit

At Microdose Bros, we understand that every individual is unique, and not everyone may have the same level of success in growing their magic mushrooms. While some people have a natural knack for it, others might find it more challenging. We want to emphasize that Microdose Bros is not responsible for the outcome of your growing experience.

We highly recommend that you take the time to gain knowledge and familiarize yourself with the process. Reading instructional materials and watching YouTube videos can be valuable resources to help you understand the ins and outs of mushroom cultivation. Additionally, please ensure that you carefully read and follow all the instructions provided with your GrowKit before you begin the growing process which you can find on our website.

Our goal is to provide you with high-quality products and support, but ultimately, the success of your growing endeavour depends on various factors, including your skills and environment. Happy growing!

Category: GrowKit

Optimal conditions for growing Magic Mushrooms are often found in natural settings, particularly during the autumn season. During this time, moderate temperatures, ample light, and rainfall create the perfect environment for mushroom growth. To replicate these conditions indoors, we recommend the following:

  1. Place the Microdose Bros GrowKit in an area away from direct sunlight to mimic the shaded environment found in nature.
  2. Ensure the GrowKit is situated in a humid space that receives a light misting each day, simulating the moisture levels present in the wild.
  3. Maintain a room temperature of 20-22 degrees Celsius (68-72 degrees Fahrenheit) to provide a comfortable environment for mushroom growth.

It’s important to avoid excessive warmth, light, and moisture, as these can be detrimental to the mushrooms’ development. Patience is key, as nature will take its course, allowing your Magic Mushrooms to flourish in due time!

Category: GrowKit

While a heating mat may seem like a helpful addition to your magic mushroom cultivation setup, it’s crucial to consider the optimal conditions for your mushrooms’ growth. At Microdose Bros, we prioritize the success and well-being of your cultivation efforts. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Understanding Temperature: Mushrooms thrive in a humid environment, but excessive heat can hinder their growth and development. While a heating mat can create a greenhouse effect in the grow bag, it may elevate temperatures beyond the ideal range for mushrooms.
  2. Our Recommendation: To ensure the best possible results with your Microdose Bros GrowKit, we advise against using a heating mat. Instead, maintain room temperature settings between 20-22 degrees Celsius for optimal growth conditions.
  3. Our Solution: If you’re seeking to enhance your cultivation setup, consider exploring our Magic Mushroom Cultivation Heat Mat. This innovative tool is designed to create the ideal environment for mushroom growth, without the risk of overheating.
  4. Where to Find It: You can purchase the Microdose Bros Magic Mushroom Cultivation Heat Mat directly from our website here.

By following our recommendations and utilizing the right tools, you can cultivate magic mushrooms successfully with the Microdose Bros GrowKit. We’re here to support you every step of the way on your mushroom cultivation journey.

Category: GrowKit

Hey there, thanks for reaching out! We totally get where you’re coming from. Waiting for those mushrooms to show up can feel like forever, right? Here’s the scoop: while it’s common for GrowKits to start sprouting mushrooms around the 3-4 week mark, sometimes they need a bit more time to get going.

Think of it as nature doing its thing – some mushrooms are just a tad slower to make their debut. Plus, factors like airflow, room temperature, and lighting can all influence their growth rate.

So, hang in there a little longer and keep an eye on your kit. Those mushrooms might surprise you yet! And if you’re looking for top-quality GrowKits to jumpstart your mushroom-growing adventure, check out our selection of Microdose Bros magic mushroom grow kits here. Happy growing!

Category: GrowKit

Hey there, if you’re noticing green spots on your GrowKit, it’s a clear sign that something’s not quite right. Unfortunately, it likely means your kit has been contaminated with molds that just don’t play nice with your mushroom-growing plans.

Here’s what might have gone wrong:

  1. Dirty Setup: Did you set up your GrowKit in a less-than-pristine environment? Sometimes, even a little bit of dirt can lead to big problems down the line.
  2. Environmental Factors: Keep an eye on what’s hanging out near your kit. If there’s a fruit bowl or anything else mold-friendly nearby, it could up the chances of contamination.
  3. Water Woes: Using dirty water to mist or spray your GrowKit? That could be a recipe for disaster. Make sure you’re using clean, uncontaminated water every time.
  4. Suffocation: Yep, mushrooms need their space too! If the air strip on top of your GrowKit gets blocked or if it’s not getting enough air circulation, suffocation could be the culprit.

While it’s a bummer that your GrowKit can’t be salvaged once it’s contaminated, it’s all part of the learning process. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any more tips or advice – we’re here to help you grow like a true bro!

And remember, for top-quality GrowKits designed to give you the best shot at mushroom-growing success, check out our selection of Microdose Bros grow kits here. Happy growing!

Category: GrowKit

Ah, the mystical transformation of magic mushrooms! So, here’s the deal: when these special fungi get a little bruised, they don’t just go red or black like your typical fruit – they turn a vibrant shade of blue. But why? Well, it’s all about their psychoactive compounds, psilocybin and psilocin, making their way to the surface.

Think of it like a magic show, but for mushrooms! This blue bruising isn’t just for looks; it’s a sign that the good stuff is coming out to play. It’s nature’s way of giving us a peek behind the curtain, showing us where the magic happens.

At Microdose Bros, we’re all about diving deep into the world of magic mushrooms and sharing our discoveries with fellow enthusiasts. So, the next time you spot that beautiful blue hue, know that you’re witnessing a tiny marvel of nature – and maybe even a hint of the transformative journey that lies ahead.

Let’s keep exploring, learning, and embracing the wonder of magic mushroom cultivation together!

Category: GrowKit

Hey there, if you’re noticing your grow kit taking on a yellow or brown hue and giving off a musty smell, there’s a good chance it’s been feeling a bit neglected. But fear not, we’ve got some tips to help bring it back to life and thriving!

First off, try giving your grow kit a little chill time in the refrigerator overnight. This can help freshen things up and give it the boost it needs. Then, when you’re ready to set it up, follow the instructions to a T. Trust us, every step counts!

Oh, and speaking of steps, don’t forget to tidy up your environment and tools before diving in. Keeping things clean as a whistle helps prevent any unwanted contamination from spoiling the fun.

At Microdose Bros, we’re all about making sure your growing experience is as smooth and enjoyable as possible. So, if you ever need a hand or some advice along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you grow like a real bro!

Let’s get that grow kit back on track and ready to bloom!

Category: GrowKit

Absolutely, attention to cleanliness and sterility is key to successful mushroom cultivation! When puncturing the top layer of your GrowKit with a fork (step 2), it’s crucial to ensure that the fork is sanitized to prevent any contamination. One method is to carefully pass the fork through the flame of a lighter, ensuring that any potential pathogens are eliminated. This extra step may seem small, but it can make a big difference in maintaining a clean growing environment for your mushrooms.

Remember, mushrooms are sensitive to their surroundings, and any contamination can hinder their growth. By taking the time to sterilize your tools and create a clean environment, you’re giving your mushrooms the best chance to thrive.

So, before you begin puncturing that top layer, give your fork a quick pass through the flame and make sure everything is squeaky clean. Your mushrooms will thank you for it!

And as always, if you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you on your mushroom cultivation journey!

Let’s get that grow kit back on track and ready to bloom!

Category: GrowKit

Magic mushrooms typically take around 2 to 4 weeks to grow to full maturity. Once they’ve reached this stage, it’s crucial to harvest them promptly. You’ll want to pick them just before the veils underneath the mushroom caps start to tear. This ensures optimal potency and quality. For those interested in growing their own magic mushrooms, convenient grow kits are available for purchase at Microdose Bros’ online store: link.

Category: GrowKit

At Microdose Bros, we recommend creating an environment that mimics the natural habitat of magic mushrooms for optimal growth. Here are the ideal conditions for growing magic mushrooms:

Temperature: Maintain a consistent temperature range between 70°F to 75°F (21°C to 24°C) during the colonization and fruiting stages. Fluctuations in temperature can negatively impact growth.

Humidity: Keep humidity levels high, ideally around 90% to 95%. This ensures that the growing environment remains moist, which is essential for mushroom development.

Light: While light is not necessary for the initial colonization phase, it becomes crucial during the fruiting stage. Indirect natural light or low-intensity artificial light works best. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can cause overheating.

Substrate: Choose a suitable substrate for your magic mushrooms, such as a mixture of vermiculite, brown rice flour, and water. This provides nutrients for the mushrooms to thrive.

Ventilation: Ensure proper air circulation within the growing area to prevent the buildup of carbon dioxide. However, avoid excessive airflow, as it can dry out the substrate and inhibit mushroom growth.

Sterility: Maintain a sterile environment throughout the growing process to prevent contamination from bacteria or other fungi. Use sterilized equipment and follow strict cleanliness protocols.

For optimal results, consider complementing your setup with our Magic Mushroom Cultivation Heat Mat, designed to provide consistent warmth and support to your growing mushrooms. You can find the heat mat at this link: Magic Mushroom Cultivation Heat Mat.

By adhering to these ideal conditions and utilizing quality accessories like our heat mat, you can maximize the success of your magic mushroom cultivation endeavors with Microdose Bros’ products.

Category: GrowKit

Growing magic mushrooms doesn’t require any specialized equipment. Here is everything you need to get started with our Microdose Bros grow kits. Here’s a breakdown of the equipment and steps you’ll need to follow:

Equipment Needed:

  • Colonized substrate
  • 2 Paper clips
  • Grow bag
  • Eating fork
  • Lighter
  • Cloth soaked in alcohol or hand sanitizer
  • Water
  • Plastic bag
  • Standard-sized box or container for storage

Steps to Follow:

  1. Begin by thoroughly washing your hands, and then use a cloth soaked in alcohol or hand sanitizer to clean the exterior of the grow kit. Set the lid aside for later use.
  2. Take an eating fork and sterilize it by applying a flame from a lighter to the fork’s tips. Ensure it is properly cleaned using 90% rubbing alcohol.
  3. With the grow kit lid open, take the sterilized fork and create four small, gentle holes on each side of the kit, totaling eight holes.
  4. Fill the grow kit with clean water, filling it to the brim. Close the grow kit lid and place it in the refrigerator for a maximum of 12 consecutive hours.
  5. Position the grow kit in an area with an average room temperature of 20-25°C. Ensure it is shielded from direct sunlight, away from lamps, and distant from radiators or heat sources. Keep the bag sealed until the first pinheads appear. During this time, maintain high CO2 levels and humidity inside the bag.
  6. Once removed from the fridge, add 150 mL of room-temperature water to the plastic bag, roughly in the center of the lower half of the bag.
  7. Place the grow kit back inside the plastic bag, ensuring that the bag contains the 150 ML of water. Seal the plastic bag using paper clips.
  8. Store the bag with the grow kit in a dark, enclosed container, such as a standard-sized box. Leave it in darkness until the first pinheads begin to develop, typically taking around 1 week, depending on various factors.
  9. After the pinheads start to emerge, open the bag for the first time to release CO2 and allow fresh oxygen to enter. Use a water mist spray on the interior of the plastic bag to provide adequate moisture on the sides.
  10. Open the bag once daily, spraying a fine mist of water on the sides of the plastic and releasing CO2 to provide your mushrooms with fresh oxygen.

Congratulations! Your harvest is complete. You can now initiate the growth of a new batch of mushrooms by repeating Steps 1 to 7.

Remember, for optimal results, consider complementing your setup with our Magic Mushroom Cultivation Heat Mat, designed to provide consistent warmth and support to your growing mushrooms. You can find the heat mat at this link: Magic Mushroom Cultivation Heat Mat.

Category: GrowKit

Hey there! When it comes to growing magic mushrooms with our grow kits, keeping things cozy is the name of the game. You’ll want to aim for a temperature range of around 20-24 degrees Celsius (that’s about 68-75 degrees Fahrenheit) to create the perfect environment for your mushrooms to thrive.

Consistency is key here, so try to maintain this temperature range as closely as possible throughout the growing process. Think of it like creating a cozy little home for your mushrooms to do their thing – not too hot, not too cold, just right!

Keeping an eye on the temperature with a handy thermometer and making any necessary adjustments will help ensure your magic mushrooms are growing happily and healthily. Happy growing!

Category: GrowKit

Hey there! It’s a common question, and here’s the scoop: while tap water is often safe to use, it can contain chlorine and other chemicals that might not be ideal for your magic mushrooms.

To play it extra safe, some growers prefer to use boiled or distilled water for misting. Boiling tap water can help remove any chlorine or impurities, while distilled water is free from contaminants altogether.

So, if you want to give your mushrooms the purest hydration possible, boiling or distilled water is the way to go. But if you’re in a pinch, tap water that’s been left out for 24 hours to let the chlorine evaporate should do the trick just fine. Happy misting!

Category: GrowKit

Ah, the age-old question! Once you’ve harvested your magical bounty, you’ll want to store them properly to keep them fresh and potent. Here’s the lowdown:

First off, make sure your mushrooms are completely dry before storing them. Any moisture left behind can lead to mold and spoilage, so give them a good airing out if needed. Need some tips on air-drying? Check out our blog article, “A Natural Approach: How to Air Dry Magic Mushrooms and Truffles Without Equipment,” for some handy tricks!

Next, grab an airtight container – a mason jar works like a charm – and place your mushrooms inside. If you’re feeling fancy, you can even toss in a silica gel packet to help absorb any excess moisture.

Now, here’s the important part: store your container in a cool, dark place. Light and heat can degrade the potency of your mushrooms, so a cupboard or pantry is perfect for keeping them fresh and potent.

And one more thing: always remember to keep your stored magic mushrooms out of reach of children. They may be curious little explorers, but magic mushrooms are definitely not for them!

With proper storage and a little help from our blog, your harvested magic mushrooms should stay in tip-top shape for quite some time. Enjoy your psychedelic treasures!

Category: GrowKit

Ah, the age-old question! Harvested your magic mushrooms and wondering if you can squeeze out another round of fungal fun?

Here’s the scoop:

Typically, growers can expect to get up to three flushes or harvests from a magic mushroom grow kit. However, it’s important to note that this can vary depending on various factors like growing conditions, care, and the specific strain of mushrooms.

While we can’t guarantee the number of flushes you’ll get, many growers have successfully reused their grow kits for multiple harvests with proper care and attention. It’s all about providing the right conditions for your mushrooms to thrive!

Remember, knowledge is power! Educating yourself about the ins and outs of magic mushroom cultivation can greatly improve your growing experience. Be sure to watch multiple YouTube videos, read articles, and join online communities to expand your knowledge. The more you learn, the more you can grow!

So, if you’re feeling adventurous and want to give it another go, there’s no harm in trying to coax out a few more mushrooms from your trusty grow kit. Just remember to follow the instructions carefully and keep an eye on your mushrooms’ progress.

Happy growing, and may your next harvest be bountiful!

Category: GrowKit

Ah, the pitfalls of mushroom cultivation! Here are some common mistakes to steer clear of:

  1. Poor Sterilization: Failing to properly sterilize your equipment and growing environment can invite unwanted contaminants, leading to mold or bacterial growth.
  2. Inconsistent Temperature: Fluctuations in temperature can stress out your mushrooms and hinder their growth. Aim for a stable, optimal temperature range throughout the growing process.
  3. Overwatering or Underwatering: Finding the right balance is key. Mushrooms need moisture to thrive, but too much or too little water can spell trouble. Keep an eye on humidity levels and adjust watering accordingly.
  4. Insufficient Ventilation: Mushrooms need fresh air to flourish. Ensure adequate airflow around your grow kit to prevent stagnation and promote healthy growth.
  5. Ignoring Hygiene: Cleanliness is crucial! Always wash your hands and sterilize your tools before handling your grow kit to prevent contamination.
  6. Skipping Research: Knowledge is power! Take the time to educate yourself about proper growing techniques, strains, and potential pitfalls to maximize your success.

By avoiding these common mistakes and staying vigilant, you’ll be well on your way to cultivating a thriving crop of magic mushrooms. Happy growing!

Category: GrowKit

Ah, the battle against pesky invaders! Here are some tips to keep those pests at bay:

  1. Maintain Cleanliness: Keep your growing area clean and tidy to discourage pests from taking up residence. Regularly remove any debris or organic matter that could attract unwanted visitors.
  2. Seal Your Grow Kit: Ensure that your grow kit is properly sealed to prevent pests from sneaking in. Check for any gaps or openings and patch them up if necessary.
  3. Use Natural Repellents: Consider using natural pest repellents like diatomaceous earth or neem oil around your grow area. These substances are non-toxic to mushrooms but can help deter pests.
  4. Monitor Regularly: Keep a close eye on your grow kit for any signs of pests or damage. Early detection is key to preventing infestations from taking hold.
  5. Practice Good Hygiene: Wash your hands and sterilize your tools before handling your grow kit to minimize the risk of introducing pests.

By implementing these preventative measures, you can help safeguard your magic mushroom grow kit against pests and ensure a successful harvest. Happy growing!

Category: GrowKit

Yes, utilizing a heat mat can indeed expedite the growth of your magic mushrooms by maintaining optimal temperature conditions for colonization and fruiting. The consistent warmth provided by a heat mat can stimulate mycelium growth and encourage faster development of mushrooms.

At Microdose Bros, we offer a specialized Magic Mushroom Cultivation Heat Mat designed specifically for this purpose. By incorporating this heat mat into your growing setup, you can ensure that your magic mushrooms receive the ideal temperature range for accelerated growth.

To enhance your cultivation experience and expedite the growth of your magic mushrooms, consider integrating our Magic Mushroom Cultivation Heat Mat into your setup. You can find the heat mat at this link: Magic Mushroom Cultivation Heat Mat.

By harnessing the benefits of a heat mat, you can optimize your growing conditions and potentially achieve a more abundant harvest of high-quality magic mushrooms. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us at Microdose Bros. We’re here to support your journey into mushroom cultivation.

Category: GrowKit

Ah, the exciting moment of harvest! Here’s how to tell when your magic mushrooms are ripe for picking:

  1. Veil Separation: Keep an eye on the caps of your mushrooms. When the veil underneath the cap starts to tear away from the stem, it’s a sign that they’re ready for harvest.
  2. Cap Expansion: Mature mushrooms will have fully expanded caps that are no longer tightly closed. Look for caps that have opened up to reveal the gills underneath.
  3. Spore Deposit: As mushrooms mature, they’ll start to release spores. You may notice a fine dusting of spores on the caps or surrounding surfaces, indicating that they’re ready to be harvested.
  4. Stem Firmness: The stems of mature mushrooms will feel firm and sturdy. If the stems start to feel mushy or soft, it’s a sign that they may be past their prime.

By keeping a close eye on these indicators, you’ll be able to harvest your magic mushrooms at the perfect moment for peak potency and flavor. Happy harvesting!

Category: GrowKit

Ah, the allure of sunlight! While natural light can work wonders for many plants, magic mushrooms have different preferences. Here’s the scoop:

  1. Avoid Direct Sunlight: Magic mushrooms prefer indirect or filtered light. Direct sunlight can be too intense and may cause your mushrooms to dry out or overheat.
  2. Opt for Indirect Light: Place your grow kit in a room with plenty of natural light, but keep it away from direct sunlight. A bright, airy space with gentle, filtered light is ideal for promoting healthy mushroom growth.
  3. Consider Artificial Lighting: If natural light isn’t readily available or consistent, you can supplement with artificial lighting. LED grow lights or fluorescent bulbs can provide the right spectrum of light for your mushrooms without the risk of overheating.

By striking the right balance between light and shade, you can create the perfect growing environment for your magic mushrooms. Happy growing!

Category: GrowKit

Hey there, slow and steady doesn’t always win the race when it comes to mushroom growth! If you’re feeling like your magic mushrooms are lagging behind, here are some tips to give them a little kickstart:

Check Your Environment

First things first, take a good look around your grow space. Are the temperature and humidity levels in the sweet spot? Is there enough airflow to keep things fresh? Sometimes, a simple adjustment to your environment can work wonders for speeding up mushroom growth.

Inspect for Contamination

Contamination can put the brakes on mushroom growth faster than you can say “fungus among us.” Check your Microdose Bros grow kit carefully for any signs of mold, bacteria, or other unwelcome guests. If you spot anything suspicious, it’s time to take action and clean house.

Be Patient

Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to growing magic mushrooms. Sometimes, slow growth is just a natural part of the process. Trust in the magic of nature and give your mushrooms the time they need to work their wonders.

Consider Supplemental Nutrients

Now, here’s where Microdose Bros comes to the rescue! If your mushrooms could use a little extra boost, you might want to consider adding some supplemental nutrients to your grow kit. We recommend using a high-quality mushroom fertilizer or liquid mushroom nutrients specifically designed to support mushroom growth. These products are specially formulated to provide your mushrooms with the essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids they need to thrive and flourish. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid overfeeding – nobody wants a mushroom on steroids!

By giving your mushrooms a little TLC and the right conditions to grow, you’ll soon be rewarded with a bountiful harvest. Happy growing, my fellow mycologist!

Category: GrowKit

Ah, the million-dollar question! While growing magic mushrooms can be a rewarding experience, it’s important to be aware of potential risks.

Here’s the lowdown:

Legal Considerations

First and foremost, it’s essential to understand the legal implications of growing magic mushrooms in your area. In many places, the cultivation and possession of magic mushrooms are illegal and can carry serious consequences.

Health Risks

Magic mushrooms contain psychoactive compounds like psilocybin and psilocin, which can induce powerful psychedelic experiences. While these experiences can be profound and transformative for some, they can also be intense and overwhelming for others. It’s crucial to approach magic mushroom use with caution and respect, especially if you have a history of mental health issues or are taking medication.


Contamination is a common risk when growing magic mushrooms, especially if proper sterilization techniques are not followed. Mold, bacteria, and other contaminants can spoil your crop and pose health risks if ingested.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and airflow play a significant role in the success of your magic mushroom grow. Failure to maintain optimal conditions can result in slow growth, poor yields, or even the loss of your crop.

Personal Safety

Lastly, it’s important to prioritize your personal safety when growing magic mushrooms. Handling chemicals, equipment, and potentially psychoactive substances requires care and caution to avoid accidents or injury.

By understanding and mitigating these risks, you can enjoy the magic of growing mushrooms while minimizing potential harm. Happy growing, and stay safe out there!

Category: GrowKit

Ah, seeking wisdom on the path to mycological mastery! Look no further, my friend, for I have just the resources you need:

Microdose Bros Website

First and foremost, head on over to the Microdose Bros website for a treasure trove of knowledge! Our Microdose Bros Blog is packed with over hundreds of articles covering everything from beginner’s guides to advanced cultivation techniques. Whether you’re a budding mycologist or a seasoned grower, you’ll find a wealth of valuable information to help you on your journey.

Online Forums and Communities

Connect with fellow mushroom enthusiasts and share insights on online forums and communities dedicated to mycology. Websites like Shroomery, Reddit’s r/shrooms, and Mycotopia are great places to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from others in the community.

Books and Publications

Dive deep into the world of magic mushroom cultivation with books and publications written by experts in the field. Titles like “The Mushroom Cultivator” by Paul Stamets and “Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World” by Paul Stamets and J.S. Chilton offer invaluable insights and techniques for successful cultivation.

Educational Videos and Tutorials

Visual learners, rejoice! Explore YouTube channels and educational videos offering step-by-step tutorials and demonstrations on magic mushroom cultivation. From setting up your grow kit to harvesting your first flush, there’s a video out there to guide you every step of the way.

By tapping into these reliable sources of information and resources, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on your magic mushroom growing journey with confidence and success. Happy growing, and may your harvests be plentiful!

Category: GrowKit

Ah, the mysteries of mushroom cultivation! Here’s the scoop on getting started with your Microdose Bros grow kit:

Preparing Your Grow Kit

Indeed, you’ll want to kickstart your grow kit by giving it a gentle soak with lukewarm water. Submerge the kit in water for about 8-12 hours to hydrate the substrate and activate the mushroom mycelium. After soaking, drain any excess water and place the kit in a clean, breathable bag or container.


While refrigeration isn’t necessary after soaking your grow kit, some growers find that it helps jumpstart the growth process. If your kit seems quite damp or you’re in a warmer climate, you can opt to refrigerate it for a few hours after soaking. This can help prevent potential contamination and encourage healthy mushroom growth.

Observation is Key

As your mushrooms begin to grow, keep a close eye on the moisture levels in your grow kit. While mushrooms thrive in a humid environment, excess moisture can lead to issues like mold or bacterial growth. If your kit seems overly damp, you can gently fan the surface to promote air circulation and reduce moisture buildup.

By following these steps and keeping a watchful eye on your grow kit, you’ll be well on your way to cultivating a bountiful harvest of magic mushrooms. Happy growing, and may your mushrooms flourish!

69 avis pour Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom Paddo Grow Kit (Medium 1200CC)

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  1. I

    Great product, customer service was excellent, quick to post and the communication was very good indeed.
    Would be great to be able to purchase in other currencies but apart from that, a great company.

  2. NE

    Very good!

  3. J

    The Golden Teacher mushrooms provided a gentle and enlightening trip. Perfect for both beginners and experienced users.

  4. L

    I used the mushrooms for macrodosing and had a transformative experience. The grow kit was easy to use and the results were amazing.

  5. M

    I received my order quickly and the customer service was excellent. The mushrooms grew beautifully and were great for microdosing.

  6. H

    Fantastic grow kit! The mushrooms were potent and provided a deep, introspective trip. Highly recommend!

  7. N

    I used the Golden Teacher mushrooms for healing and they helped me a lot with my anxiety. Great product!

  8. E

    Great for both tripping and microdosing. The mushrooms grew well and the effects were profound.

  9. K

    I had a wonderful experience with this grow kit. The mushrooms were potent and provided a very enlightening trip.

  10. M

    The Golden Teacher grow kit was easy to use and the mushrooms were perfect for both macrodosing and microdosing.

  11. L

    I used the mushrooms for microdosing and noticed a big improvement in my focus and mood. Highly recommend!

  12. O

    Great product! The grow kit was user-friendly and the mushrooms provided an amazing trip.

  13. A

    The Golden Teacher mushrooms were perfect for both tripping and microdosing. The effects were exactly what I needed.

  14. L

    I had an incredible experience with this grow kit. The mushrooms were potent and provided a deep, healing trip.

  15. C

    I used the mushrooms for microdosing and felt more balanced and productive. Great product!

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Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom Paddo Grow Kit (Medium 1200CC) Golden Teacher Magic Mushroom Paddo Grow Kit (Medium 1200CC)
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