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Estratto di fungo Cordyceps (100 grammi di polvere)

(27 recensioni dei clienti)

Il prezzo originale era: €34.99.Il prezzo attuale è: €28.75.

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  • Ogni busta contiene 50 grammi di MB Superfoods Cordyceps Mushroom Powder
  • Questo prodotto è 100%, non OGM, senza glutine e completamente vegano
  • I Cordyceps sono ricchi di antiossidanti che aiutano a proteggerti dai radicali liberi
COD: 1001047 Categorie: ,


Che cos’è la polvere di funghi Cordyceps? | MB Superfoods

Funghi Cordyceps | I pastori tibetani hanno trovato per la prima volta questo fungo per supportare le prestazioni ad alta quota. I Cordyceps sono originari delle regioni di alta montagna della Cina.


certificato, 100% polvere di funghi Cordyceps.
I funghi, proprio come i normali funghi domestici e da giardino, contengono naturalmente uno spettro completo di beta-glucani, prebiotici, enzimi digestivi, antiossidanti, aminoacidi, proteine, peptidi, lectine, polifenoli, flavonoidi , composti del selenio e altri micronutrienti vitali.

Libero da

Tutti i prodotti sono 100% naturali e certificati, non OGM, vegani, paleo, senza glutine, senza latticini, senza soia, senza dolcificanti, senza riempitivi, senza additivi, senza conservanti o qualsiasi cosa artificiale. Semplicemente il meglio della natura!

Come usare

Puoi usare la polvere di funghi Cordyceps MB Superfoods in molti modi. Aggiungi questo integratore ai tuoi pasti o bevande preferiti. Puoi aggiungere un cucchiaino, che equivale a 2 grammi, alle tue ricette. Spaghetti, piatti di riso o frittate, Cordyceps si lascia mescolare facilmente in qualsiasi cosa. Pensa ad esempio al tuo caffè preferito o ai tuoi frullati. Per ottenere i migliori risultati, usa due cucchiaini al giorno, pari a 4 grammi. 1 cucchiaino contiene 5 chilocalorie. Si consiglia di assumere una dose doppia per le prime tre settimane. Nota: non superare la quantità giornaliera raccomandata. Il cibo sano è alla base di una dieta sana. Mantieni la borsa fresca, asciutta e fuori dalla portata dei bambini. Prendi oggi la polvere di funghi Cordyceps di MB Superfoods!


Aggiungi un cucchiaino (2 grammi) di polvere di funghi MB SuperFoods al tuo succo, frullato o ricetta preferito ogni giorno. Si consiglia vivamente di consumare il doppio della dose tipica per le prime tre settimane. Nota: non superare la quantità giornaliera raccomandata. Il cibo sano è alla base di una dieta sana. Conservare la borsa in un luogo fresco e asciutto, fuori dalla portata dei bambini.


Gli integratori non sostituiscono una dieta sana e varia. Le affermazioni sugli integratori alimentari non hanno lo scopo di diagnosticare, trattare, curare o prevenire alcuna malattia o condizione di salute. Nella letteratura scientifica si sa sempre di più sui benefici per la salute di varie erbe botaniche, spezie, funghi e piante. Le dichiarazioni sui potenziali benefici di questo nuovo superfood sono attualmente al vaglio dell’Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare (EFSA). Maggiori informazioni sulla sicurezza alimentare sul sito Web dell’Autorità olandese per la sicurezza degli alimenti e dei prodotti di consumo (NVWA). Consultare sempre il medico o il caregiver durante il trattamento di qualsiasi condizione. Maggiori informazioni sui valori nutrizionali e sui diversi gruppi di alimenti possono essere trovate su www.voedingscentrum.nl.–Vuoi saperne di più? Leggi di più sul nostro blog. Vuoi rimanere aggiornato su notizie e fatti? Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter o seguici su Instagram e Facebook. Ottieni subito la polvere di funghi Cordyceps di MB Superfoods!

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27 recensioni per Estratto di fungo Cordyceps (100 grammi di polvere)

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Recensione 1-15 di 27
  1. S

    There was nothing I did not like about the product. I like that there is no funny aftertaste and that the product is Vegan. I saw an energy boost and less brain fog after consecutively taking the product. It took roughly a week for me to notice the results.

  2. MR

    Add to coffee or tea or smoothie. It is terrific for increased energy, but it increased my appetite too much when I used it three times per day. I’ve cut back to once per day.

  3. FN

    This cordyceps works great tastes delicious! It tastes like a mild fruity coffee, so it’s easy to combine with smoothies or take alone. When I take it, my body feels better. I’ve found it helpful to take as soon as I notice I’m coming down with something.

  4. RS

    There was a problem with the product when I received it, and when I emailed Microdose Bros, they acted to resolve the issue immediately, so they stand behind their products! As to the product itself, the first day I tried it, I experienced notable digestive benefits. The second and third days, not so much, and since then, I have found that I generally experience more benefits with this product than with any other cordyceps products (powder) I have tried. It even helped unexpectedly with a respiratory issue I had been experiencing. Based on this experience, I believe it does have a higher concentration of cordycepic acid than any other product I’ve tried, as advertised. It is still a relatively short time that I have been using it, three weeks, and if I can offer additional information as I use it over time, I will.

  5. NV

    I love this product. The manufacturers seem to keep it clean, and organic is admirable.

    I have been using this brand of cordyceps for my kids with sinus and asthma issues. I have noticed a clear improvement in the morning sinus issues after using cordyceps. I hope this will improve their allergies over time as well.

  6. AE

    These are amazing! This is a more comprehensive review but explains why I gave it five stars. I have tried other brands of cordyceps, and I believe I flushed my money down the toilet with the other brands. I just went in and ordered another bottle, and I’ve only been taking these for a couple of days. I’m so excited! I want to share this supplement with everyone. It will assist your red blood cells in carrying oxygen and helping your overall cardiovascular health. I am very cautious about claims that any supplement makes, I had an outstanding education in nursing school, and it has made me skeptical. I have CIT chronic idiopathic tachycardia. That means my heart rate is consistently over 100 no matter what I’m doing, and nobody knows why. I went through just over two years of testing to find the cause, and nothing could be pinpointed. My husband heard Joe Rogan talk about cordyceps on one of his podcasts and mentioned them to me. I did the research and decided to try them.
    I was able to run over 12 miles yesterday because I took two of these with my morning medications, and my pulse never went above 165bpm. I have to be careful about how fast I run on the elliptical because my pulse has gotten into the 190s before. My resting heart rate is usually 100 – 110. Today, it’s 66!!!! I feel AMAZING, by the way. I had never taken anything over the counter before that made a massive difference in how I felt, except for CBD oil for my arthritis pain, until now.

  7. JP

    MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE… I have been suffering from COPD and emphysema for some time now. It has advanced to the stage where a significant portion of my day is spent coughing up vast amounts of mucus that’s blocking my lungs. I started doing this cordyceps, and within five days, I noticed a difference in the mucus production and my coughing. By day 4, I had stopped coughing altogether. It’s been two months now, and I have not even had one major (breath-sucking) coughing spasm. Aside from the other benefits, these cordyceps might offer, that alone will keep me on them probably for the rest of my life. I couldn’t be more pleased to recommend this product to anyone suffering from COPD or emphysema and lung congestion.

  8. S

    It helped cure my cold. This helped me kick my cold! I’ve been sick for two days, and when I got this powder on Tuesday, the cold started to disappear! It goes great with black tea and cinnamon! I love this stuff.

  9. EK

    I took this product during my Dry January detox. It quickened the detox process. I feel amazing after just a few weeks. I have been increasing my running mileage and incorporating more yoga into more routine; this product has positively enhanced all. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to detox their system!

  10. F

    Recommended by my Naturopath to keep my immune system functioning well. I have Lyme disease, undiagnosed for a years and this has made a difference for me. It kept me well all winter long, even with everyone around me getting colds, flu, etc.

  11. RS

    I am noticing a significant improvement in my exercise recovery. Since using cordyceps, my recovery from exercise has been dramatically enhanced, and my muscle tone is improved. I’m doing the same workouts I always do, but I’m getting better results than ever before, and hardly any DOMS compared to before I started using this stuff. I also like this brand better than others I’ve used as it dissolves well in my morning coffee compared to others that just sat on top. I drink it every morning in my coffee before working out now and plan to continue doing so. Recommend! Plus, I just like the Micro ingredients brand. I’ve purchased several of their powders and haven’t found one yet that I didn’t like. Excellent, high-quality brand!

  12. JV

    MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE… I have been suffering from COPD and emphysema for some time now. It has advanced to the stage where a significant portion of my day is spent coughing up vast amounts of mucus that’s blocking my lungs. I started doing this cordyceps, and within five days, I noticed a difference in the mucus production and my coughing. By day 4, I had stopped coughing altogether. It’s been two months now, and I have not even had one major (breath-sucking) coughing spasm. Aside from the other benefits, these cordyceps might offer, that alone will keep me on them probably for the rest of my life. I couldn’t be more pleased to recommend this product to anyone suffering from COPD or emphysema and lung congestion.

  13. BU

    Do you want to boost your health? I know terrific fungi. I can’t say for sure if Cordyceps mushroom powder helps with my immune system, but I can say it has given me a bit of an energy boost. I was impressed with how it smells, it reminds me of chocolate, but it has a savory, smoky flavor.

  14. MP

    I am a heavy gym enthusiast and started looking into Cordyceps to boost endurance and respiratory effects. Cordyceps benefit much, so I suggest you look into it for yourself. I took the recommended doses and felt very weird not knowing if I would like to take this product. I’m not sure why I had the initial reaction, but after the first dose, it never happened again. I Love this thing; they give me the energy for the day I feel like my workout will never end. I even texted my wife while at the gym, “I feel like I can go forever” I still have not taken more than one capsule and see no need to since I get such a great result on just one! I recently got my parents to try them as well. It deserves five stars! The energy lasts all day an excellent level amount, and mental focus is perfect!

  15. D

    I can’t say for sure if Cordyceps mushroom powder helps with my immune system, but I can say it has given me a bit of an energy boost. I was impressed with how it smells, it reminds me of a specific Belgium chocolate, but it has a savory, smoky flavor.

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Estratto di fungo Cordyceps (100 grammi di polvere) Estratto di fungo Cordyceps (100 grammi di polvere)
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