Um dos nossos favoritos de todos os tempos! O cogumelo da crina do leão! Também chamado de “O cogumelo inteligente” ou “O padre das montanhas”.
No Japão, este cogumelo tem sido usado durante séculos pelos seus supostos efeitos de apoio e restauração na mente. Uma aparição muito especial quando o encontramos na floresta, pendurados num tronco de árvore.
O que torna a Lion’s Mane tão especial? As ericenonas e erinacines (alcaloides presentes na crina de Leão) asseguram que o corpo estimula a produção da própria substância do corpo NGF. NGF significa fator de crescimento do nervo. A NGF é necessária para o crescimento de certos neurónios no nosso cérebro. Também desempenha um papel na mielinização. Um processo que cuida da transmissão de sinal através dos nervos.
O recipiente (o frasco conta-gotas) no qual receberá o seu extrato líquido é feito de vidro violeta MIRON® de alta qualidade e é totalmente reutilizável. O vidro MIRON protege o produto contra radiações UV nocivas, de modo a que os nutrientes no líquido permaneçam protegidos da melhor forma e o prazo de validade melhore significativamente!
– Melhoria das funções cerebrais e nervosas envolvidas na concentração, aprendizagem e memória.
– Um melhor equilíbrio mental.
– Aumento da energia mental
Dose: Tome meia pipeta duas vezes por dia. (Evitar bebidas gaseificadas)
Ingredientes por 10 gotas:
Lion’s Mane 830mg
Cinnamon 29mg
Vitamin B3 225μg 15%
Lion’s Mane (Hericium Erinaceus), Aqua, Álcool, Canela (Cinnamomum Verum), Niacinamide (Vitamina B3)
30 ml (60 doses durante 30 dias)
Mantenha-se fora do alcance das crianças. Consulte o seu médico antes de utilizar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver problemas de saúde. Armazenar à temperatura ambiente num local escuro.
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Day 2 and Wow. Alert and lots of energy. I’m very happy if this is just the beginning of more positive effects.
This Lions Mane product is more potent than other supplements I have used, based on the quality of my sleep. I can fall asleep faster, sleep well, and have interesting dreams. It can take a few days after use when you might see a difference.
I slept better from night one. Just slept through the night and didn’t even wake up to go to the bathroom once. And it’s been the same for 3 weeks now. I don’t feel the need to embellish more than that – it makes me sleep through the night, and that’s freaking awesome and the best review I can give this excellent sauce.
I highly recommend this product. I am taking it to help me get deeper, longer sleep, which is working. I was only getting about 3 hours of sleep before waking up. Then I would toss and turn for at least an hour before falling asleep for another 3 hours.
I felt exhausted all the time. Since I’ve started taking Lions Mane, I’m getting at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep and can quickly fall back to sleep after a quick trip to the bathroom. My tossing and turning nights are behind me now!
I like this stuff. I got it for sleep, and while it doesn’t MAKE you sleep, it makes for vivid dreaming.
Lions main is a must for your brain health. It changes my sleep quality and feeling better. I’m giving my brain what it needs to stay healthy. Lions main are huge for Alzheimer’s, memory, and muscle/nerve problems, but you must be consistent for at least 3 months. Trust me, it’s amazing.
I chose this product because I read somewhere that Lion’s Mane is great for lowering TPO antibodies by 45%. I would get the results I desire from this product, and I will update this review when the time comes.
The product has a sweet taste, which is amazing. I also get the feeling of an energetic boost after using the extract, and this is the type of feel I like to get.
During this time of the year, I usually feel exhausted from stress, and it’s usually hard for me to maintain focus because I usually have a lot to do. I’ve been using Lion’s mane in powdered capsules for some time, which I find helpful. Cordyceps is why I didn’t hesitate to try the liquid drops. I was amazed by the feeling I got from the liquid formula, and I recommend it to anyone looking for a solution to stress and fatigue.
I got this product and was surprised that it doesn’t cause stomach trouble compared to other products. Thanks to Lion’s Mane, I no longer need to plan when to eat.
I got this product mainly for stress relief, but I couldn’t help but notices other benefits it offers. With the product, I no longer find it difficult to sleep. It has practically helped in reducing my insomnia symptoms. I find this product amazing.
I love microdosebros products so much. I got my first mushroom supplement from them and recently decided to try the Lion’s Mane. The increase in stamina and energy I got with this extract is unrivaled.
The main thing I like about this product is that it’s very easy to measure, as it comes with a dropper. Lion’s Mane provides all the energy I need, and in addition, it has a nice taste.
I like the fact that the product makes me feel much less weary. I complained to a friend about this feeling, and he recommended the product. I’m super excited that I listened to him.
It is fascinating that they use a vegetable glycerin extraction process for this product. Lion’s Mane is a reason why the absorption of the product mostly begins from the mouth, allowing one to enjoy the benefits even before swallowing. The sweet taste is also something I like.