
MiClinic EMR

Unified Management Platform for Polyclinics , outpatient departments and healthcare providers from workflow , clinical management , reporting , billing , claims , lab , radiology , inventory , financials , and many more ...


MiClinic EMR

Easy access to Patients medical records from anywhere


MiClinic EMR

Customized clinical workflow for maximum productivity and flexibility at the same time

Why MiClinic EMR ?

The unified Information Management platform for a total management of Clinics and healthcare Providers.

  • MiClinic is a professional workflow and productivity improvement application for any polyclinic or medical practice, it can be considered as an enterprise practice management system as well as an EMR / EHR solution. MiClinic handles patients scheduling, admittance, billing, examination procedures and results, prescriptions, reporting, accounting and material management as well as a full back-office financial management including financial reports, general ledger, account receivables, account payables, supply chain management and human resource management.

    With MiClinic as a web application, you ease installation, support in the enterprise environment and boost connectivity with any other systems (HIS / PACS).

    Why MiClinic ?

    • It is a total management solution for the whole polyclinic or medical practice from clinical, front-office billing to financial back-office.
    • It is Web based and support multi-lingual that can work in a cloud and in-door.
    • It has a single node web administrator for all the solution.
    • it works with any device , PC , tablet , mobile phone , ...etc.
    • It Supports both centralized and decentralized environments
    • It has a seamless Integration with MILLENSYS PACS "Vision Tools Workspace" .
    • It can integrate with any other PACS using HL7 standards.
    • In a hospital, it can work without HIS (accept direct order from referrals)
    • MILLENSYS provides remote support around the clock from anywhere

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MiClinic EMR, Key Modules

Unified management with only MiClinic EMR


MiClinic EMR, Electronic Patient Record

Unified place to hold all patient medical and financial data .


Built for the Enterprise

MiClinic EMR is the ultimate Clinical Information System for a total management of Healthcare providers.

  • MiClinic EMR is designed as an enterprise workflow management application , enabling managing multi-sites whether it is a centralized environment or decentralized.

    Users can schedule patients among different sites and branches, share resources in the enterprise, manage consumables and supplies from any location , bill patients and stakeholders, handle and track medical reporting of patients from anywhere.

    Integrating MiClinic EMR with MiERP | Financial as a back-office Financial manage system will complete the workflow and increase the efficiency and productivity in managing financial aspects, account receivables / payables and inventory items and suppliers and also efficient human resources management .

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