The heartwarming period drama Call the Midwife has graced BBC One screens with its 14th instalment, where the opening episode sees nurse Nancy Corrigan (portrayed by Megan Cusack) excitedly saying 'yes' to her beau, Roger (Conor O'Donnell). Though she's up against the tough task of pleasing his mum who isn't too thrilled about their differing faiths.
By the close of the episode, excitement bubbles for Nancy as she's off to a temporary stint at Netherditch hospital, which feels like the right move for her and her daughter, Colette (Francesca Fullilove), not to mention it also brings her closer to Roger, at least until they tie the knot back in Poplar. The burning question on fans minds - is Nancy waving Poplar goodbye for good?
All signs point to no.
In a reassuring twist, Nancy lets her Nonnatus House family know the wedding will happen in Poplar, dubbing it her "home", hinting at her absence being only brief.
Before the series took to airwaves, the talented Meghan Cusack shared with the media that her character isn't making a permanent exit. Describing Nancy's storyline, she said: "Just because she's fallen in love, she's not leaving us."
Adding, "There's lots of things happening, she's got lots going on, you know, a job offer, an engagement, an overbearing mother-in-law-to-be. So she's got a lot going on."
Cusack further expressed how wonderful it was to delve into her character's love life, something she didn't envisage happening.
The whirlwind romance between Nancy and Roger has sent alarm bells ringing amongst viewers, who've been speculating about possible hidden agendas behind Roger's rush.
Yet, it looks like Nancy will be returning to Poplar sooner rather than later, much to the relief of fans.
A wave of panic washed over social media, as devotees of the show fretted that their cherished nurse and midwife might exit stage left for good after a sudden marriage proposal.
On platform X, a worried fan expressed their dilemma: "Wanting Nancy to have the happy ending she deserves but not wanting her and Colette to leave #CallTheMidwife."
Another confessed to being overwhelmed with emotion: "Currently sobbing my eyes out at the fact Nancy and Colette are leaving #callthemidwife."
While yet another viewer fretted: "Omg is nancy going to leave? ! ? ! NOOO i love her", signaling deep concern over the character's potential departure.
Call the Midwife airs on BBC One on Sundays at 8pm