Jay Blades, best known for hosting the beloved BBC show The Repair Shop, where Dame Judi Dench once made a guest appearance, is now joining forces with the actress for a one-off Channel 4 special.
The documentary, titled Dame Judi and Jay: The Odd Couple, will highlight their unique friendship that blossomed from a chance encounter three years ago.
Despite a 40-year age gap, they're eager to delve into each other's backgrounds and upbringings.
In this nostalgic journey, Jay and Judi will reveal secrets from their pasts and share amusing and touching anecdotes with viewers. People will also see them explore the country together, journeying across London and Stratford-upon-Avon.
Throughout the special, they'll introduce each other to significant people in their lives and visit places that have shaped their identities. Showcasing London's rich culture and diverse neighbourhoods, they'll visit some of the city's most iconic locations.
The Channel 4 programme is set to air on August 18 at 9pm. The synopsis for the special states: "This biographical travel show is an intimate portrait of true friendship, whilst also telling the story of class, race and social mobility in Britain through the years," reports the Express.
Jay had nothing but kind words for his friend and co-star when discussing the upcoming special. He said: "To learn about a new friend's past really solidifies the future of your friendship.
"Going down memory lane with someone dear to you is something I would urge everyone to do. This show has given me memories and a friendship I will cherish forever."
Same Judi was equally enthusiastic about their time filming the Channel 4 documentary, saying: "Sharing memories of our past, both so different, finding we have the same sense of humour. I could have gone on filming for days."
Fans were swift to react to Jay's update which he shared on Instagram as people couldn't contain their excitement.
One fan gushed: "Two of my favourite people together, how wonderful," while another penned: "Sounds brilliant! Looking forward to watching! ".
Someone else wrote: "This looks fantastic. I love Dame Judy such a funny character and Jay Blades is such a lovely down to earth character. This will be a great watch," and another joined in: "I can't wait for this."
Eagerly awaiting the special, one admirer posted: "Now THIS will be worth watching."
While another chimed in: "How wonderful Jay! Two of my favourite people together I am so looking forward to this."
The news comes as Jay recently decided to take a break from social media after it became public knowledge that his marriage to fitness expert Lisa-Marie Zbozen had come to an end..
Dame Judi and Jay: The Off Couple will air on Channel 4 on August 18th from 9pm