On the Scalability of Routing With Policies


Today's ever-growing networks decision for routing schemes with sound theoretical scalability guarantees. During this context, a routing scheme is scalable if the number of memory needed to implement it grows significantly slower than the network size. Unfortunately, theoretical scalability characterizations solely exist for shortest path routing, but for general policy routing that current and future networks increasingly depend on, very little understanding is offered. During this paper, we try to fill this gap. We outline a general framework for policy routing, and we have a tendency to study the theoretical scaling properties of three basic policy models within this framework. Our most vital contributions are the finding that, contrary to shortest path routing, there exist policies that inherently scale well, and a separation between the category of policies that admit compact routing tables and those who don't. Finally, we tend to ask to what extent memory size will be decreased by permitting paths to contain a bound bounded number of policy violations and, surprisingly, we conclude that the majority unscalable policies remain unscalable under the relaxed model yet.

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