The most popular design trends


Every day there are a significant number of new professions, especially in digital technology, design and art. New technologies are increasingly “hijacking” people’s jobs these days. And this is partly true of our reality – calling a cab with apps, paying for products with NFC, autopilots in cars and planes. But there are a number of professions that can never replace technology. This applies mainly to the creative fields.

The creative direction engages all of a person’s internal processes – imagination, fantasy and thinking. Spontaneity cannot be faked by technological processes, just as it is impossible to program a machine to be creative.

Today’s list of the most popular design trends includes:

  1. Design in the fashion industry
  2. Interior design
  3. Graphic design
  4. Communication design
  5. Industrial design

Fashion design is the art of inventing clothing, stage image, and anything that adorns a person’s appearance. This includes accessories, closet items, shoes, and hats. All of these items must be functional and enjoyable to wear, with taste and aesthetics applied.

Interior Design
Interior design is similar to architecture, but on a smaller scale – the designer needs to arrange the elements in a way that makes the customer feel good to be among them. Who would have thought that these two areas are united by ergonomics, colorism, visual graphics and other directions.

A graphic designer works on the visual appeal of a product when creating a website, logo, company brand, or editorial design for print publications.

Communication Design.
Design of communication is responsible for proper understanding between the target audience and the manufacturer or brand.
Design of communication is highly effective communication through media, where communication between customers and suppliers takes place through art and technology. The main message of a campaign is “wrapped” in a specific design that helps the target audience accept this text and somehow react to it.

Industrial Design

An Industrial Design specialist creates a product design from a technical perspective. It is important that this product is ergonomic, pleasant and easy to use, while maintaining high quality material.

Industrial Design combines elements of art, marketing and technology and is used to create a variety of objects – from household items to technological products.

The task of the designer of this direction is to design household appliances, create interfaces, technical models of production, land, water and air transport. As well as parts to support them.
