Implementation details

Here we show an example namasm namelist and the header of an example assimilation increments file on the ORCA2 grid.


The header of an assimilation increments file produced using the NetCDF tool ncdump -h is shown below

netcdf assim_background_increments {
x = 182 ;
y = 149 ;
z = 31 ;
t = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
float nav_lon(y, x) ;
float nav_lat(y, x) ;
float nav_lev(z) ;
double time_counter(t) ;
double time ;
double z_inc_dateb ;
double z_inc_datef ;
double bckint(t, z, y, x) ;
double bckins(t, z, y, x) ;
double bckinu(t, z, y, x) ;
double bckinv(t, z, y, x) ;
double bckineta(t, y, x) ;

// global attributes:
:DOMAIN_number_total = 1 ;
:DOMAIN_number = 0 ;
:DOMAIN_dimensions_ids = 1, 2 ;
:DOMAIN_size_global = 182, 149 ;
:DOMAIN_size_local = 182, 149 ;
:DOMAIN_position_first = 1, 1 ;
:DOMAIN_position_last = 182, 149 ;
:DOMAIN_halo_size_start = 0, 0 ;
:DOMAIN_halo_size_end = 0, 0 ;
:DOMAIN_type = "BOX" ;

Gurvan Madec and the NEMO Team
NEMO European Consortium2017-02-17
