About this mod

Adds a fire mode selector to weapons, allowing to switch between full auto and semi.

Permissions and credits
Works on 2.13, make sure to update codeware and CET.

My first Cyberpunk 2077 mod and even though it's called simple, there really was nothing simple about creating it.

This mod adds fire selector switch to some or all guns (customizable), the switch is only for semi/auto.

Help with translation would be appreciated, the mod is localized to all 19 languages that Cyberpunk supports, but I only know 3/19, so 16 were translated with google and if you feel like translation isn't accurate feel free to help with translation here.

If fire selector limited only to fully automatic weapons was not enough for you, then this update is right up your alley. With version 1.1 you can apply fire selector to all weapons, or some (you can customize your selection in CET UI).

How to use:
  • Open CET overlay, navigate to Bindings window, and bind a selector key (I prefer F) for keyboard (controller binding is in the mod window.), equip a ranged weapon, press a bound key.
  • Open Simple Selective Fire mod window and use filters to limit fire selector to weapons by categories (trigger type, technology type, weapon type), disable filters to apply to all weapons.

Examples of filtering:
  • Turning on "Filter by trigger" and selecting "FullAuto" will apply fire selector when a fully automatic weapon is equipped.
  • Turning on "Filter by weapon technology" and selecting "PowerWeapon" will apply fire selector to power weapons (weapons that shoot regular bullets).
  • Turning on "Filter by weapon type" and selecting "SMG" will apply fire selector to submachine guns.
  • You can mix and match filters, applying these filters together will apply fire selector to fully automatic power SMG's, disabling all filter categories will apply fire selector to all weapons.

Note: this mod doesn't tweak any weapons timings, it doesn't make semi automatic weapons shoot faster in full auto mode, it makes them shoot at their maximum fire rate defined in that particular weapons parameters, so if the weapon shoots too fast or too slow, make a mod and edit that weapons parameters, or use AWSC mod by AthosBenther or SWSC mod by Scissors123454321 to adjust weapon parameters in game.


  • If you're seeing a hint text, but no key icon, you're either haven't bound a key in CET Bindings tab or you've checked "Controller" checkbox while using a keyboard.
  • If you're not seeing a hint at all then either:
  • You don't have a correct weapon equipped, check your filters.
  • You don't have Codeware installed.
  • You have hints disabled in settings.
  • You're using Limited HUD or similar mod.
  • Disabling all filters in a filter category results in filtering out all weapons, if you want to disable category disable the category itself ("Filter by trigger", "Filter by weapon technology", "Filter by weapon type") and not by disabling all items inside of the category.
  • If your problem isn't fixed use bug report.

Use your preferred mod manager or just drag and drop contents of the archive inside of Cyberpunk 2077 game folder.

  • It works with any weapon, even modded.
  • Does it work with Trigger Mode Control by Seijax? I can't guarantee it will work, it might work or it might not, the interference between them is highly likely, use one or the other, otherwise combine them at your own risk.

Shout outs:
You've probably seen the name Psiberx before, a lot of mod authors thank him for helping with mods, well, this isn't an exception to the rule, so thanks to Psiberx for creating tools and overall providing knowledge on modding, he's trully the GOAT.
Seekay and Shadoky for testing.
Other honorary mentions: KeanuWheeze, Rayshader, Manavortex, Seijax.
And the Cyberpunk modding community on Discord.

Cover image from wikipedia: Jollyroger, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons