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About this mod

Wanna change your playstyle mid-game or without creating a new character? With this mod, you can save and reset your current build and reattribute your points or just load a priorly saved build. Now includes saving and loading equipment! (Only equip in inventory)

Permissions and credits
Updated to include equipment in saves (see pinned).
Build Manager

With this mod you can save, load and reset your builds (attributes, perks, skills and equipment) to play around with various playstyles.
Please backup your saves and maybe take screenshots of your current build. Also read the pinned comment for more up-to-date information.

  • Install / Update Cyber Engine Tweaks and redscript.
  • Download and extract the mod from here.
  • Drag the bin and r6 folders into your "Cyberpunk 2077" game folder.


Open the Cyber Engine Tweaks Overlay while loaded into a game save and, in the BuildManager window, create new saves or overwrite old saves, load builds or reset your current build.
The little icons next to the saves open windows to show some information and to delete the save respectively.
The one in the skill tab, sets the skills back to how your character has them currently and the two in the Import/Export tab copy the URL to your clipboard and clear the URL field respectively.

  • Close the game and delete the "BuildManager" folders from:
    "Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods" and
    "Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts"

  • Backup your saves and maybe take screenshots of your current build. This mod actively resets attributes, perk points, skills and (optionally) equipment and may cause you to not be able to use your items and skills if something goes wrong.
  • If you're not seeing the Window in the Overlay, try reloading the save.
  • Saves are only displayed if the level you made the build on is lower or the same as your current level (might cause problems, if you're, let's say, level 45,5 and try to access a 45,8 level save, let me know if it does).
  • Tested on 2.21
  • Just a warning, but this mod might have compability issues with things like EquipmentEx or other mods that modify how clothes, weapons or cyberware works. I haven't really tested the compability with other mods.
  • Build Manager saves and restores Relic Perks, so you might need Phantom Liberty (haven't tested without PL)

**New** Saves now always save your equipped cyberware, weapons and clothing (might unequip some quick usage slots). This will not give you the items from the save, meaning you have to carry the exact same items with you. Even upgrading an item will count as the item from the save not being in the inventory anymore!
You can now use the mod anywhere, without using the stash or a RipperDoc (although I still recommend the RipperDeck mod by psiberx, just because).


If you don't like this mod (for whatever reason) and want to check out good alternatives:

Thanks to
The people over at the modding discord.
The CET team for Cyber Engine Tweaks.
The people behind the decompiled code.
Especially to psiberx for the GameSession.lua from the cet-kit.