B42 Dual Wield -vid-

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Because one gun is just not enough.
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  1. Xilandro
    • premium
    • 2,924 kudos
    Thanks guys! We're excited just as you are =)) Hitman is right now making some sweet left weapon reloadings, and I'm fixing sh*t tons of bugs, so there's a lot of work.
    And ofc, dual weapons comes with a huge compatibility price, be aware of that. I will post more info about it when I'm sure there's nothing I can do to fix it.
  2. sussyballs3000
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This mod looks gorgeous I dont even care if it doesn't work with custom weapons because I don't use any. Any release date info?
  3. Finally the Handgun Jaguar playtrough may begin! (revolver ocelot's copyright-safe cousin)
  4. Dude I seen this mod on YouTube  and that's  was really fucking cool when this mod  come out 
  5. Losmi969
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    With new NVSE update for custom weapon animations this might just work even better now? 
    1. Xilandro
      • premium
      • 2,924 kudos
      Not really. There are other, way more serious problems than animations. I mean, I can make a simple but working dual wielding, easy. But that's it. It will be simple, it won't be compatible with pistol mods (aka you won't be able to dual wield modded-in guns without patches), it won't have different pistols in each hand, etc. And that's just not fun, not really good and overall "meh"
    2. XeronNovius
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      That's a shame, I wanted to dual wield .454 Casull handguns like Alucard
    3. HunterGame73
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      Вы реализовали езду на автотранспорте, о чём вы. Я верю, что ты с Хитманом сможете реализовать эту задумку. Если ешё не забросили её.
  6. TheAwesomeTRex
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    • 24 kudos
    Honestly I kinda don't really give a damn about Dual Wielding, it just seems more like a gimmick than anything else, and probably is a nightmare to get it to work correctly.

    However I would very much love to see our favorite over two century old Mexican Ghoul dual wielding his magnums like he was always meant to.

    Hell assuming there is a 3rd person animation for this, I wouldn't even care If they weren't usable by the player.
  7. Sabinya
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    i'm still pogging super hard at this
  8. Elijah314
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    Its probably gonna be a chore to make this compatible with Millenia and all the mods that go with it right?
  9. aleria105
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    Ohh man ! thank you so much, guys!  I hope we can play the mod soon. I've been wanting to do an Ash from the Evil Dead weapon wielding style. With a ripper or chainsaw on one hand and a boomstick on the other! Goodluck with the development! 
  10. Matumama157
    • supporter
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    I hope this is still being worked on
  11. motts33
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    If this is still even being developed, might I suggest dual wielding a gun and the Katana as well? Hold R and L mouse to block?