About this mod
This is an edited sprite for the Ridgeside VIllage Mod Custom NPC - Flor. As such it obviously requires Ridgeside Village and all its dependencies.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
-Content Patcher
-Ridgeside Village (and all its dependencies)
First of all, I have no ability whatsoever of spriting, art, or any of those things. I don't even know if this looks nice to others. I edited it on a whim because I like Flor so much.
For those who do like it, I hope you enjoy it since there are no Flor sprite mods anywhere if I remember correctly. You may edit for your personal use.
I do not own the original of these sprites and this could never happen without the amazing base mod Ridgeside Village itself.
All credits go to Rafseazz, mamaesh, and all their contributors.
-Slight adjustments to her overall sprite to fit an anime portrait mod I have.
-Made her hair look like it sways a little.
-Adjustments to the Flower Dance outfit. (it looks cuter to me)
! I made no significant changes to the 14 heart event dinner outfit other than eye color and no more than a few pixels difference here and there., but I replaced the normal sprites in the Flor_Dress.png file just in case.