‘Every nurse I have worked with has left an impression on me’


Kay Dunn, who manages Spire Hesslewood in East Yorkshire, shares what she enjoys most about her role and the people who have inspired her

What does your typical working day look like?

“I start work between 7am and 8am Monday to Friday and work until about 4pm to 5pm. I ensure staff levels are safe and all the clinics and theatre cases run smoothly. Patient safety is at the heart of everything we do at Spire Hull and East Riding. I  attend meetings at the main Spire Hospital including governance, clinical audit, surgical safety and hospital leadership team meetings. As a head of department, I insist we are Care Quality Commission inspection-ready every day.”

What made you want to become a nurse?

“Growing up I always wanted to be nurse, I never wanted to be anything else. I have always wanted to care for people and look after them. When I was a child, I brought home every injured animal I found and nursed them back to health, if I could. It drove my Mum and Dad crazy.”

What attracted you to your current role?

“I have worked for Spire Hull and East Riding for 17 years in numerous roles and departments. Whilst working as a sister in the outpatient department, the Hesslewood manager job became vacant – to me, it was a natural progression and the easiest decision I have ever made.”

Who has had the biggest impact on your career?

“I don’t think that any one person has made the biggest impact on my career. Every nurse I have worked with over the last 45 years has left an impression on me, in one way or another. My husband John is, and always has been, really supportive and encouraging of everything I do at work. He regularly tells me how proud he is of me, and this continues to impact on my career and the choices I make every day.”

What do you enjoy most about your role?

“They say, ‘variety is the spice of life’ and I love not knowing what the day will bring, what challenges I will face and the different people I will meet. I have a wonderful team at Spire Hesslewood, they brighten my day, every day.”

What’s been the stand-out moment in your career so far?

“Being the first nurse at Spire Healthcare to win a Daisy Award was not only unexpected, but the proudest day I can remember in my career so far. I won the award for developing a ‘red flag’ training package at Spire Hull and East Riding. The red flag  training helps us to identify any neurodiversity or additional needs patients may have before they attend our hospital. This means we can be prepared for their visit and make sure everything runs smoothly, facilitating a safe patient journey through our hospital.”

What are your ambitions for the future?

“I would love red flag training to be developed further and become part of the Spire induction for every member of staff across the whole Spire network. I also want the excellent patient care to carry on at Spire Hesslewood and continue to develop further as we learn and grow.”

What advice would you give to someone who wanted a job like yours?

“Aim for the stars and go for it. Always keep the highest of standards and be the patients’ advocate at all times. Be brave and do the right thing.”

Career file

Name: Kay Dunn

Job title: Spire Hesslewood manager

Employer: Spire Healthcare

Main responsibilities: Lead on patient safety and daily operations of Spire Hesslewood clinic and its staff

Average hours worked: 40 hours

Career history: Sister in outpatients department and cardiac catheterisation lab at Spire Hull and East Riding (2014); nurse and coordinator on the ward at Spire Hull and East Riding (2011); completed return to nursing to register as nurse (2010); started working at Spire Hull and East Riding on the ward as a healthcare assistant after a career break (2007)

Qualifications: Qualified as a nurse in July 1982 from the Hull School of Nursing

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